The Hidden Faults and Secret Vices of Your Lovers

Posted by neuroticvirgo
The Spiritual Panhandler
Pisceans need the constant reassurance of love. They become hurt and dejected if those around them fail to make frequent loving gestures. They get love mixed up with affection - and affection is what they really crave. Fuss over them, and their gratitude can be embarrassingly servile and effusive. Do not be too flattered when you are singled out by a Piscean, for he will cling to whomever is nearest to him. Pisceans long for love, hunger for friends, and will set about claiming you for their own. It is not necessarily you they want, however; it is the romantic atmosphere of love that sets their emotional craving into action. When they do find someone to love, they will demand enough attention to discourage even the most patient admirer. They will pretend they are not worthy of your love to elicit reassurance, but this is play-acting, an illusion they conjure up. Piscean men choose women who have money or a social position, someone who will support them in their profession. They do not mind a domineering woman, in fact, she suits them. They find security in a strong woman; demanding lovers and nagging wives give them the constant attention they need. They are the original milquetoasts. They can be lied to or deceived but will continue to go on loving an unfaithful woman; it makes her all the more precious if she is desired by other men. This is a narcissistic kind of love. Pisces men are not exciting sexually, they are very passive, almost female in the act. Sex is not important to them, for they do not often have enough energy to perform. They dissipate what energy they have in emotional experiences. Pisceans are often drinkers and many have become drug addicts which gives them a route into their fantasy world. The females are just as clinging as the men, even more so. Their methods are subtle, quiet, and unassuming; they will send out a smokescreen to hide the fact that they are leeches, exploiting their lovers. They need lovers or husbands who will assume full responsibility in caring for them, so that they can be free to drift through their aimless lives. The Pisces woman does not necessarily care for the man she pursues, but she considers it a threat to her femininity if a man passes her up or eludes her attention. Pisces woman must prove they are desirable. Once they win, they will slide back into their emotional swamp, frightened at

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