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Dec 31, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 585 · Topics: 81
"I like handcuffs too...though I wonder if he'll go for it being used on him. I thought most of em liked to be the ones in control."
April Lol to my surprise he wants me to tie him up But i must let him tie me,..can you imagine that a scorpio giving up control for a couple hours heeheehee Yippie! *BA in deep tought about handcuffs and whip cream*
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Dec 31, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 585 · Topics: 81
shaiessence, whats his age?
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Personally, I would rather make tape me having wild and crazy love. Then erase the tape, handcuff I feel like I have no control over what is going on and I don't think I can handle that much of the intensity although I am very intense but damn handcuffs...
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
You raise an excellent point re: expense Ms. LiBrat. Libras are an expensive hobby.
I have a few ideas. Bling could write a book. The Proper Care and Feeding of Libras.
Or perhaps he could market himself as a scholar ... an anthropologist ... studying the behaviour patterns of those born in certain months ... Perhaps he could get government funding? Maybe win an award or two? Gain some fame?
As for cleaning, my understand of harem life is there are those who do that sort of thing, and it is not us! Our job is simply to look and smell beautiful. Which, let's face it, we do anyway. We get to lounge about with beautiful friends, having wonderfully pleasant conversations, in luxurious surroundings. We get our meals prepared for us. Have people come and make us pretty. Not such a bad life.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
In the sence of community life, yes.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
welll ... nothing will be used against you unless you ask nicely of course.