Libra Ex suprise

It's classic "she wants what she can't have."
Even if you were to entertain the idea of getting back together, she'd turn around and make it a train wreck. Remember, this is a sign who's flaky members are notorious for behavior that's much like a child who wants a toy. They're sooo adamant about getting that toy, and when they do, they play with it for a bit, get bored, and toss it in the toy bin to be forgotten.
Just be honest with her in regard to discussing it with her. If she gets butthurt, oh well. She didn't have much consideration for you when she came barging into your room. I'm not sensing much respect on her part- you didn't want to step down when all this started and now that the timing is convenient for her and her ego, now she wants to step up after you've worked on moving on?
Eff that.

Related Messages

Posted by truecap
Do you think DXP veterans get more respect on here? Or the newbies? Or does it matter? Or does everyone get treated the same?

Every person gets treated differently, just as real life. It boggles my mind that people would say everyone is treated the same, as if to suggest that people aren't individuals. Perhaps, that is their problem, and why they are constantly confused in relationships? ... because they paint everyone with the same brush, so naturally, when a person is actually different, they then aren't acting as expected?
Another thing ... people who are familiar with each other, and as time passes, they become more tolerant of their differences, they become more accustomed to the diversity ... so naturally how they view someone they are familiar with differently than how they view a person they just met.
Isn't that psychology for dummies?
Look around you in the RW ... don't you treat a person you've known for years differently than someone who you just said hello to?
I look here at all the people who said they treat everyone the same and believe that their ignorance of themselves is so deep that it might take several lifetimes of digging themselves out of their egotistical crap.

Posted by Rapunzel
Oh wow !!! Two years !! I thought you was talking about a few months lol
Looks like you have to just push him against the wall & kiss him for him to get the point your interested lol. Joking.
But yes, maybe some innocent flirting could help you out & Lots of eye contact. Hopefully others here can give you some feedback..... smile

Lol not exactly 2 years .. more like ... a year & 3months . He started working at my job around Christmas time in 2011 . We make lots of eye contact throughout our shifts , lol . And innocent flirting ? ... Yea, I think I can do that . Lol .
Posted by truecap
Do you think the way questions are worded makes a difference?

Of course it makes a difference. Everything makes a difference, considering every person who forms these questions are different.
For me, I have a certain level of tolerance .... and any person who words a question as if they haven't participated in creating the life they just lived, and puts all accountibility on another person, usually blows one of my gaskets.
If a person doesnt' address themselves as being responsible for their life ... then it is realized that they are only here to get an ego stroke, or to gain allies on a side.
If a person takes themselves into account and the role they played ... then I usually fly right on by, content in knowing that another person is awake.

Posted by truecap
What makes some people get reamed and some people get nice responses?

click to expand

See above
Also, I will reamed a woman out if she's a slut .... and not so much because I disapprove of her, rather because she's out there giving our men impressions of all women. That slut represents females to these men, and when they do that, they are teaching the men to NOT respect a female. And I will ream her a new asshole everytime.

Posted by truecap
Do you feel respected here?

The value I hold for myself isn't dependent upon approval of others ... so there is no relevancy to my self-worth on whether I am respected here or not.
I respect myself ... how others view me doesn't apply to the development of my feelings, so this is never in question to me.

Posted by truecap
I'm just curious.

click to expand

I'm always curious, too
enfant, my sweet, thank you. ???
Posted by RealTalk
*waves* You're back!!! smile How are you?


How are you??? Missed you!!!!
We all have to catch up!
How are things with the Gem???
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens ~ Carl Jung
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Hi VV smile
Glad you are back...hopefully for a little while at least smile

Nice to see you're still around. How's it doing???

How's the crabcake? Haven't filled that big pot with water, dashed in some beer, and turned that knob to the right yet have ya?
Posted by Layna
Missed you VV. smile

Awww...missed you too, Lana Lane!
How are things on the fashion front? How's school? The Aries?
Posted by virgodreamz
Hey VV
I think I was traveling at that time I went to East Africa it was beautiful!
You've been missing too. What have you been up to?

I could imagine!
Where exactly did you go in EA?
Sounds like you had a great experience...