Libra Ex suprise

Aquasnoz, what do you mean by "show her some good time?". Dont be giving us no bad name LOL.

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Oh this is so great! I feel a DXP Virgal conference call coming on. Tongue
Posted by LIBRA1234
There are a lot of holes in your explanation. Is she dating anyone else? do you think if you go ahead with the chase you have a high chance of her responding in a good way?

That is the biggest mystery of them all.... She almost talks to no one at school of the opposite sex... AND she even told me how she moved out of her boyfriends place two years ago after she moved down here with him. She also said she stays ALONE at her apartment lol. And yet when I finally confront her about how she feels which in hindsight was stupid but her response seems just as stupid... She claims she does have a boyfreind!!! and even gets some guy to call me on her phone... BUT he didn't seem that upset that I had been talking to her this whole time. She gave me her number lol I never asked for it and we even scheduled classes together for this semester so.... You tell me.
At first sure she seemed receptive to my advances... definitely NEVER let me know I was barking up the wrong tree... But this whole rarely answering the phone and responding to text messages is bull lol. She would come to class and act like nothing happened ^.^? I dunno what to tell you; the wholes in the story are ones I would like filled too.
I am done with Accountancy and I am now in my third year in law school. No, sorry, I cannot give any legal advice as I live half-way 'round the world. lol...
But I would like to meet new
Posted by exoskeleton
lol @ the "one life to live" bit. what an ass.
make it clear to him that nothing is going to happen. that you value his friendship, but not if he's going to disrespect you, him, and his wife. how he reacts will tell you if you should drop him or not.

Thank you exoskeleton, I initially felt I should do something along those lines. We've been good friends since we were teens and growing up, we grew to respect each other. Like I said this has never happened before. If he is battling demons right now, I want to help him, but not at the cost of our friendship. But if he has outgrown our friendship and is simply being opportunistic I should know to quit.
So how do I know why is he doing this? He can go cheat with other women all he wants, but why does he want to disrespect me? I'm nowhere in the picture ...
Posted by BlueSandCacoon
Posted by cobragirl
Could it be that? But more importantly, if he tries this with me again, how do I tell him off for good without ruining our friendship? Or is it already headed down the drain? Any insights?
Thanks so much.

What you two have is not a friendship, but a "business" deal.
He got you a job and now you are supposed to give him your... hmmm... well, you know.
click to expand

Hmm guess you're right about that "business deal" BluesSandCacoon, maybe in our subconscious minds we have turned into business partners rather than remain friends.
"....tantalizing tinker toys"....
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
^^^ yup and those are probably the lonely people out here in this cold world smile

Posted by ellessque
if some guy described me as "an unforgiving, ruthless goddess planning world domination", I imagined he'd be scared shitless of the consequence of tugging at my top.
something is missing from this story.

That was from a long time back when I used to be a vengeful, stubborn, unruly teenage girl. Yes I was scary and people would always think twice before crossing my path. World domination comes from my ambitions; like at 15 I wanted to leave town, move to the city and start my own business.
What is missing from the story is how did we drift apart, when did we stop being friends and become lustful adults with personal agendas. What am I missing here...
yes/no in my experience
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