Libra Ex suprise

So many aquaz on the libra forum, wtf. Is it the (fake) charm?

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"....tantalizing tinker toys"....
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
^^^ yup and those are probably the lonely people out here in this cold world smile

Posted by ellessque
if some guy described me as "an unforgiving, ruthless goddess planning world domination", I imagined he'd be scared shitless of the consequence of tugging at my top.
something is missing from this story.

That was from a long time back when I used to be a vengeful, stubborn, unruly teenage girl. Yes I was scary and people would always think twice before crossing my path. World domination comes from my ambitions; like at 15 I wanted to leave town, move to the city and start my own business.
What is missing from the story is how did we drift apart, when did we stop being friends and become lustful adults with personal agendas. What am I missing here...
yes/no in my experience
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Posted by Rapunzel
Yea We must go to Plan B to speed things up lol.
HOW you flirt is the most important thing. You say or do something flirty then go off somewhere & get busy with your work. Keeping it nice & short makes him come back for more.
You can also touch him when you are talking to him.........well I don't know, he'd probably get so excited he'd faint if you did this lol. When they like you, lots of times they're secretly nervous (not all crabs though) Mine "looked" confident but when I got close to his body or face at work his whole body tensed & his voice trembled. He even started to sweat once lol lol. It was attractive to me.
You already know what's best to do.... You're a Capricorn ! Winking

Lol saying something flirty & then walking off should be easy . This guy I'm talking about sound a lot like yours , lol . I remember he called the job once to let the managers know he'd be a few minutes late . I answered the phone & his voice started to shake once he realized who he was talking to , but most of the time he appears very confident . I've never actually touched him , but I swear he reached for a hug once & he does tense up a bit when I get close to him . Lol . I think his actions are cute , lol . I'll definitely try the innocent flirting , though . I get a feeling that's what he's looking for from me ; some kind of hints to show him I'm interested too . But I won't be too clingy , its not in my nature . Lol .
Posted by ScorpioFemale79
Maybe she feels like shes indebted to hin

No, I don't feel like I owe him. But that is not to say that I am ungrateful.
Right now I am confused and upset that it has come to this. I don't have many friends and the few that I have are very dear to me. Then again, I'm not a playtoy for anyone and if someone I trust and respect pulls something like this on me, I wouldn't hesitate to, like you put it, "kick him in the sac!"
Lol maybe he's keeping options open until he's dating someone
"Do you think you're evolved?"
Nope. I leave that to Scorps, bugs, pok?mons, etc.
Posted by Spectre

It is she who has cast the net...

Because what she got two jugs and a fannie?? But the poor guy has got no brains, falling prey, because all blood from his head has been drained into his pants, and so the net theory justifies itself!!