Libra Ex suprise

Posted by size zero superhero
My best guess is your ex felt compelled to resolve any unfinished business and gathered the courage required to finally clear the air with you, so to speak. Surely the revelations provided her with peace of mind, despite this discussion may have been long overdue.

Totally feel you on that one. Sometimes I do wonder if honesty is worth it. Even if you do mean it it's up to the person to perceive it. We just had a brief chat after I woke her up and made her some food and she always thought I was holding on because she remembered the way I said "I'll always remember you, always love you" which I do but never specified the state of love. On the other hand I believed her when she told me that it was over but apparently she never meant all that.
Funny how things work out.

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Posted by BadGalVirgo
Thank you for the grammar correction, however I was quoting what he texted to me... Perhaps you should be an English teacher? LoL.... So I should stop having sex with him? What will he think if I do? Will he take that as a sign of no interest? Because I am still very interested... I just want hook him, I think... LoL. Ate you saying he's not taking me serious? How can I determine if he is just using me for sex? Or I'm just another toss in the hay or someone to pass time?

You are.
Posted by CluelessCancer
I don't care for men who chase for the thrill and not for a long term commitment...i guess it's better to be a bit reserved..and kind of figure one another out..until you both want to chase one another.

Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by mechanism
This was my first 'real' relationship, so I'm kind of new to the dating game. He's more cultured and experienced, so I expect that this all went differently for him anyway. Probably not a big deal, so I'm trying not to treat it as one. I just wanted more insight. I know I'll be fine. I'm not crying, I'm not tearing apart the things I have from him, I'm not aching to call him. The next relationship, I'll try and be more careful. I honestly don't consider anyone without being sure. I was pretty damn sure, but I guess I made a mistake.
Maybe at the beginning these things were true and felt real for him? He probably really felt those things for you. I'm not validating any hope or anything, since you seemed to have been through the wringer with that one, but I hope in the future that you get some form of contact that establishes a hint of regret. Something that can ease your mind.
But you've learned, and so will I, once I'm completely over it.
I'll look into it! Thank you.

LOL the BABOON still initiates contact with me. My problem is I'm so weak I don't know how to stop responding or contacting him back knowing we are TOTALLY OVER.
I'm super obsessed. Right now I am like waiting on his call...just anticipating stomach is embroiled in panic anxiety...when and if i hear his phone' will alleviate my stress...
This can't be love. This is something unhealthy.
click to expand

He has you in the virgo spell there is no use in fighting it join the dark side of the force its your destiny muhahahah lol jk
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have you ever tired this?
aww look at u aquas being all emotional..its so cute lol
I feel the total opposite. It is not fun being a Cancer. I hate being so damn sensitive and emotional and feeling everything so much and so intensely all the time. I hate that I can be shy & reserved and that it takes time to come out of my shell. I hate that I am not bold. I'd rather be a fire sign.
I love other Cancers, though. It's hard not. We are so nice and sweet and empathetic but it is hard being one.
So. Maybe I'll just ask him how he wants to celebrate.
It's too bad there wasn't room in his costume for his snake.
Hi aquas
since aquas are famous for the disappearing act and the whole being aloof thing. Needing time and space and hate partners that suffocate them and limit their options.
What would happen if we flip the whole thing and instead of u disappearing, u suddenly discover that ur partner is going missing
busy with a million things other than u
not talking that much to u
not giving u the enough care/time u want
disappearing for couple of days then re apearing outa no wer
asking u to give them space
spending too much time on their own or with their friends but NOT with u for like weeks!!
being told by ur partner that he/she loves u so much but their actions show the opposite
getting confused of whether they wana marry u or just wana stay friends (this has been a major complain from everyone towards aquas especially aqua guys)
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY if your partner suddenly shows signs that they r scared of commitment even though they have asked u to move in or proposed or anything like that earlier?
Would u understand? would u move on? or would u wait or go ANGRY NUTS on them?????
just say how u would feel if all that has been done to u
and sadly... lol this is a real competitor apparently...
Evan Lysacek