Posted by Metoo
I say give it a shot. I think your lookng for balance, like we can talk about sex when you cover all the other bases that a normal friendship/relationship would have not ONLY sex, aaannd your probably looking to be romanced and not just seen as his sex object. So you gotta spell it out for was great, but basically if were gonna do it again its gonna be under different circumstances, were gonna give it a true shot as a couple, and we can be sexy to eachother but I am missing everything else and want more than just that aspect.
Posted by CluelessCancer
the other day he said "you hate when i go ummmm ummmmmmmmmmmm ummmm in our conversations, don't you?" than he goes "ummmmmmmmmm"...Is that a real reply "ummmmmm ummmmmmm ummmmmm" or "dead silence"...he's sick I tell you. He is so observant, but i think only to abuse. Narcissistic.
Posted by CluelessCancer
His actions and words don't match. Pay attention to what he does more than what he says.
Posted by CreepyPantsPosted by Sag89
It wasn't advice it was an opinion. Yea I guess cause I don't write 34930249 posts a day about my ex I'm not normal.
an opinion that eeeeerily resembled advice... o.O
everyone copes differently. writing 34930249 posts might help. i already feel a lil better... by 14930249, I might feel high as a kite. truth is i cant tell my friends about what is going on... because they are his friends too. lol dxp gets the brunt of to expand
Posted by sm
I was dating, talking and getting to know a Taurus guy for about a year. Then we slept together and literally poof be gone...
From a Taurus man's mouth -
"He didn't like the sex, so he went where the pastures are greener".
Posted by ALibra
I've tried re-kindling with some of my ex's before, but I think it's only because a Libra has a very hard time letting go if they really loved the person at some point. Plus, we are always looking for "that one". Libra is the sign of harmony and partnership. We can be okay single, but will love a chance at a great partnership even more. Ruled by Venus we are in love with love. Most of us are just in love with the "idea" of love, but when it comes to the actual act we are lost. That goes double for our Libra male counterparts. Most Libra's are always afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing in a relationship and striving to be close to perfect, instead of just relaxing and being ourselves. Anyway you have to allow a libra that head space to even think about coming back. If you're hovering over us, it will either force us into a decision which we will be gone again anyway, or we will become frustrated and pull away even more. I hate when a person doesn't give me space to think, it irritates me to the max, and it never works. Like when I broke it off with my sagg ex, he begged and sent text and called for 2 weeks. At first I was pissed, but then he sent a message that made me feel it was now or never, so I responded finally but it didn't last. I didn??t trust him or the relationship anymore and it was a complete waste of time. So back up. Give him the air he needs to process and ponder everything. He will drop in from time to time if he truly cared, but first you have to loosen up your grip. Then when he does pop in don??t flood him with conversations about the failed relationship. PLEASE! Keep it light, it will make him feel more comfortable in contacting you. Let HIM bring up the relationship, since he was the one that left, and LISTEN more than you talk. Once he gives you the floor, let him have it in polite way. No crying or hysterical acts of emotions it will scare him off most likely. We hate negative depressed, stuffy situations so you want him to remember the good times you had, instead of all the bad. Just my take on it.