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Sep 23, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 25
Wow. Tough crowd. How so though? I'm young and hunan ... I make mistakes... Tell me from a pisces point of view how I've failed to hook or intrigue him? Like I said... I'm very friendly, helpful, and nice... I know that he is going through tough times so I let him swim away and come back... Which crests intensified chemistry when we are together I think. This pisces is also a ALPHA Pusces male.
Very Confidant. Very sure and certain of his power over females.... So I pull away and make him chase me after I chase him... I know he is going through tough financial times and I even told him.... I would like to help him if he would allow me to.... He never responded... When we go out I offer to pay and he never accepts.... He always jokes about running away together... He constantly asks me what I need when we are together... Like do I need money and what not... I always get quiet or tell him I can get things on my own when he asks... He asks to go in trips... I've even asked him was this all sex and he says... No... And spent the next 2 days after glued to my hip or on my phone!!! But then he just makes me unsure.... I should just leave this pisces alone because something about him screams heartbreak!!! I'm a good girl... Finishing College, attractive, helpful, LOVE sports, music ((all types)), I am very accepting and kind to ppl.... Why doesn't he like me? Lol... My virgo analysis is INSANE, I know!! Lol
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Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
It's funny were this thread has gone and continues to go... it's like the song that never ends ^.^ all good
I guess it keeps it interesting.
I'm pretty basic.
soft/warm skin is pretty erotic to me.
He said why, where are you going? I said I do not want to continue this silly conversation. Than he wrote again I asked you in the morning if you are upset with me, you said no.. I didn`t respond until next day. I sent him a text about his test, that he has to take test. He responded, said thank you. Than I tried to make thing nice between us, said did you miss me he said sure, but he doesn't like when he is nice to me ., i have been abusive. I said no it isnt i am trying to understand you.
However, we just left it at it is, texted 10 pm in the evening to see if he is asleep. He respndedn that he is with a friend, trying to arrange a venue for the party.
Next day send him a good kiss saying good morning, but no respond, called him no answer waited, I can see he reads my messages, I asked is he still upset no respond. I dont understand a day before communicating with me . Next day gone silent.
I waited no reply. I warned him before, all this if he goes quite no answer to my call or messages, if he wants to finish he can say so, I would understand, if its repeat it will be the end.
I sent a message "no answer it means an answer. Than wished him good luck, hope he can find someone to love.
Still next day no answer. I worried something might happened again, I said I am coming his place to collect the things that I left. He replied I am out of London for work, I will be back at weekend and send them to you
I was shocked, than told him they are not important, he can through away, just wanted to know if he is alive.
No reply. I ve gone mad about this behaviour, send texts called, emailed about, How player is him, liar, Also saw he is attending Valantine event, on website. No reply at all. Than texted saying i will contact his friend tell him how he gossiped about him. Than he called. I asked, why he ignored all the messages and calls. He lied, he said he didnt want to argue, than he said he had problem at work, than he said that I dont care about him. I told him, I am not sending all these messages to chase you, just get an answer. I said I wont be with you anymore, his voice gone so bad. Than wished him a good luck.
I saw he attended 4 days after to Valantine party organized by his friend. He told me before he doesnt celebrate such day. He is against it,just for people to spend money.
What is your opinion about this guy? Was I wrong?
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Jun 25, 2012Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
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