Does having sex w/ cap male change the friendship?

Posted by QUlETstorm

I get the feeling he is not consistent in your life otherwise you'd probably have a little more faith & trust in him. If he is the kind of long term friend who only calls on holidays, birthdays and occasional weekends, I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to jump into anything.. .

We were closest of friends for 7 of the 9 yrs. the 8th yr he was super busy w/ med school. No biggie.......
. Hesitation began a little less than 1.5 yrs ago he was going to see me on my bday in my city but then cancelled 2 hrs be4 to play high stake poker w/ friends. A wk later he asks me to be his gf. We've only hung out once after the "sex night" 3 months before that (we live in diff cities)
Also around that time he started his rotations & he's developed this semi "god complex". This jerky complex is caused us to start fighting. i forgave him but then he did it again leading to me telling him I'm walking away & to call me when you realize how much you hurt me/jerk you've become.
Months later he texts & now wants to ask for my forgiveness in person & fix what he's broken.

Related Messages

Posted by harry99
Posted by Sag89
Posted by harry99
Posted by Sag89
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Hey look lol.. If chick shoots cool would be a turn on either way... I'm kinda dirty like that
I'm not hating on the erotica here.
And yes Sag89 that would be intimate.
One begs the question for why you have never thought to do this before? NOT so much with the intention of what elle proposed but just as a general turn on for you and the guy. This never crossed ya'lls mind before? I mean I don't got no big ego here... you seem to be far more experienced then me .. at least with number of partners/experiences you have said you've had. I've had my lion's share but only with girlfriends so a lot with the same person... and I've done this before so hmm maybe it's more something you do with someone your comfortable with I guess dunno. (I'm referring to the masterbation in front of partner part not squirting in case anyone thinks I was contradicting myself)

Well sure I've done everything but not like in a emotional way if that makes sense?

Well that's you and mys problem right there. You have to have the emotion. Remember we're women we're MORE emotional beings.

What shall we do? lol

Meditate in a vast sea of clouds while getting massaged by sexy latino men and yeah lol roflmao
click to expand

best idea i have heard all day lol
Let's just say Scorpio was a language worth learning. :]
I saw this post in the Capricorn board and was interested and surprised by the responses being so... well... "capricorny". So my fellow fishes what do you do earn your daily wages.
I am a Graphic Designer/Animator for the Marketing Department for my University's Gym.
Posted by LadyAries25
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
By allowing this treatment to continue I believe we are sending the wrong message out to society.
"Shit on whoever you like. There will be no consequences. The other person doesn't deserve any consideration.
Your feelings are the only ones that matter. Screw everyone else."
Something should be done.
If no one else has the cojones to step up to the plate maybe we Aries need to sound the charge.

Guy screws girl over.
Guy vanishes into thin air.
Everyone tells girl to let it go, DON'T CALL HIM, walk away.
Message to guy, from society: screw who you want, we'll tell 'em to keep quiet.
Or, girl tells guy off, guy labels her as crazy ass bitch, girl goes home crying, again.
click to expand

Pretty much. I like to make it a hybrid.
Assuming I were to see the guy around- Aries ice and make him feel really, really uncomfortable. It's the silent treatment version of telling him off. smile
Posted by Purrrr
LMFAO, Sag89.

hahah its how i feel about this thread
Okay. This may not necessarily be funny but it relates to the topic.
I met a woman at a family function and we exchanged phone numbers. A couple of days later we had a phone conversation. During our talk, we discussed our favorite foods and I mentioned that I liked hamburgers. She was like "I loooooove hamburgers! Let me take you out this weekend to your favorite spot for one!My treat since I asked." Admittedly, I was pleasantly surprised. I offered to pay for it or at least my half, but she insisted on paying. So we go to this place I wanted to try and it was inexpensive(about $ 20 together).
The check arrives( que the dramatic music...duh duh duuuuuuuh). We were having a great time up to that point. She looks at me and I look back and I immediately knew what was about to happen. I ask her does she want me to take care of it. Her response? "I know I said I'd pay but my friend at work says a man should pay and I can't decide if I should or shouldn't because I said I should but I feel a man should pay and"...on and on and so forth. Now mind you the setting is intimate(tables are close) and the place is paacked. She's having a mental breakdown and people start staring. The guy next to me has this look like "it sucks to be you right now" and shrugs. After offering several times to pay the check, she decides she's going to pay, pays it, and then makes a smart ass comment about having to pay.
Needless to say, we just remained friends.
I am attracted to very nice, wholesome, loving, attentive, affectionate men who desire commitment...who are possessed by Satan.
There is no other explanation.
Oh, you would?
I'm 20. I know, kinda young for this forum.
Haha. Sounds like he must have been pretty upset to go from romantic summer fling to turn off so quickly.
I don't have a problem with you out performing me academically as long as you scratch my belly. ;p
Ha.. I can be childish too, but in a loving way.
Posted by MoonBunny
Love destroys friendship.
I've had a good friend fall in love with me and I couldn't reciprocate because I didn't feel the same and didn't wanna cheat them. I guess I went a bit cold. What happened was this person began seeing me thru rosy-colored glasses. They were looking at a Prince Charming(which I was and am not) instead of the friend they have known and was familiar with for months. All thru the encounter I was jumping in front of them begging for things to go back to the way they were and yes, to stop going gaga over 'me' because they really have a good future in front of them. I saw them spiral into depression, being super-sensitive and easily set off, getting drunk and high, fighting with their partner, making unrealistic expectations of me. The crying grated on my nerves. It never was a friend's duty to do a lover's work, was it?
What a mess.
There may just be a few viewpoints CC is missing out, I dunno. People should be more... rational? Hopefully I never have to go through that again.

Well in my situation the person was sexually attracted to me and there was a whole sexual element to it, so you can't exactly negate that.
I mean if you never fucked or asked for topless pics of your friend or masturbated together, then I totally see your distress and confusion.