Your reaction to....

Depends on the actions and how you approach me with it... I am me regardless. But, I am a much more watery gem, so I don't go around trying to hurt those around me in the 1st place.

Related Messages

This bit of advice is FUELED with emotion right now...but...

"DON'T attempt, to USE and ABUSE the ones that CARE for you, SIMPLY because they DO."
And ...
"You have to GIVE first,(sometimes MORE than anticipated)..BEFORE you can GET, STOP expecting BEFORE you GIVE!!!"
Posted by aquasnoz
Haha for sure I use to be a lot more tolerant but I guess the further along your journey you tend to adopt the fuck it philosophy! If people provoke me with no reason, I either just not pay attention or fire back with a seemingly substance-less threat. So in regards to sleeping, I just either keep sleeping or tell them with a smile "wake me up again and that pen is going in your eyeball".
Posted by Marmotini
I'm not sure what's to be done about that. My ESFJ friend used to say "when people tell you who they are, believe them."
The next time a guy tells me "all my girlfriends dump me because I emotionally shut down at some point, like my feelings are all trapped inside of me" I will immediately believe him and run away as quickly as possible.

It's a bit blurry I think but there's a bit of truth when people say things about themselves like that. They must still be caught in that thought process for them to even say it. I believe what people say about themselves, it's much easier that way and when they become inconsistent it's much easier to point it out to them.
click to expand

Well when guys say that stuff to me, for example, and they keep hanging around me, I presume they're hinting. Like hint hint help me to stop being such an emotional retard. I want to know what love is, I want you to show me, that kind of shit.
I still feel that this person is very hard to figure by what he says, and more by what he does, because his actions don't have a clear cause and effect quality, but rather more like he's presenting me with some kind of challenge.
He's presenting me with a challenge even now. And he's going to lose. It's an easy win for me, I've been building social networks and storing info for a long time.
Did I ever see this day coming? No.
But all the same I store my nuts like a smart squirrel for the potential deepest Capricorn part of winter.
There's a 5.30am? Lol 8.30pm here, sorryyyyyy.
Posted by geminicandlelight
Yes, no, maybe?
I figured to keep up with tonight's sex theme, to throw this one in.
Share your anal sex experiences here, and dont pretend you've never even thought about it!Lol

Short answer- yes.
It's not too shabby...

Posted by DazedScorp
Hammer time

aww beat me to it lol
I'm with wagtail same time zone.
Though I post things at at any given time. Thank god for fucked up sleeping patterns.
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Posted by ellessque
It depends on the partner.
I also think it depends on the level of comfort with your partner.
lol...stop watching porn for instruction. It's great for inspiring ideas but alot of that stuff is exaggerated.
It's really no different than when a woman performs oral sex and she's not into it. Men can tell. So, women are not any different.
I think receiving oral sex for a woman is more intimate and if you are not comfortable with your partner, you may not be able to relax and truly enjoy it.
You also have to understand that men are not born just knowing how to do it and all women's lady bits are not identical. If it's not being done in a way that is satisfying you, it's important for you to say so, or direct him.
One way that might help is masturbating in front of your partner...with the lights That way he can see which area is most stimulating to you. That also can build trust and comfort.
As far as squirting. Some say that's not something everyone can do. I don't know if I believe that. I do believe that you have to really understand and study your body. You need to explore everything and you probably need to do it alone before you attempt it with a partner. When women orgasm, you naturally contract or "squeeze".....consciously do the opposite....release. It might seem "weird" the first time and a bit surprising....but eventually it will just happen naturally without any thought.

This really is good advice.
Kinda hard to say.... something makes me think I could persuade the lady to not be mother teresa in the bedroom.
All I know is I'd rather be single then deal with a complete air head selfish twat....
At least I get something in the bedroom if I get the Lady.
3:09 am. Just gor back from a great night! smile now off to bed.
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