Posted by harry99Posted by libraCUSPscorpioPosted by msmarilynmansonPosted by libraCUSPscorpio
Oral sex in the shower.
anything in the shower
Allllllllllllrrrrrrriiiiighhht, allllllriiiiighht, allllllriiiiighhhht
You gon learn todayclick to expand
ndalf, CreepyPants and SureShotCap.
Wow, I knew I would find something in here, this forum are truly exciting
I'm glad things are getting better to you ms.MM, your suffering resonance with mine, as Marilyn Manson said in his lyrics:
"Haters call me bitch, call me faggot, call me whitey. But I'm something that you'll never be"-taken from better of two evil .
I'm big fan of him also, he's really one amazing cap.
Posted by 88Posted by dualcapricorn
hi there fellow cappy,
I'm new to the forum, I'm a capricorn sun, capricorn rising, and moon virgo.
yayyyyy this is so cool. A cap w/ virgo moon.![]()
Bien venido.
click to expand
Thank you. Greeting to all cappies and dxp user, looking forward to share some thought with you.
Just curious, why do you think it's cool? I just found out these birth chart thingy for about a month ago.Lol. I feel like I have an OCD or Inferiority Complex somehow, especially when I cling to an ill feeling such as resentment. Haven't checked on it though. PM me why do you think it's cool? thanks
Posted by libraCUSPscorpio
Me oh my oh me oh my
Posted by msmarilynmanson
my mums in heaven. love you mum. see you again one day.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Squirting... seriously? All that is some chick urinating how hard is that to do lol ^.^?