Your reaction to....

Ah, so there's alil more to it..... Well, one of two things will happen. He'll either walk, cuz he'll realize that there's too much about him that you're not happy with. Or he'll try and make you happy and change. But, you expecting him to change will cause resentment... You need to realize that you can't expect others to make you happy. Not saying what he's doing is exactly right or wrong, cuz it seems like there isn't any definition to your relationship. I.e. a commitment talk. I could be wrong, tho.... Either way, your best bet is to explain logically and calmly.

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happy bday, Koi!
Date and time you were born?
Boo boo...From now on you need to stop getting yourself into situations that
you are not ready for and breaking people's hearts as a result of your hasty actions.
You need to think things through properly. A marriage is permanent. You did know that, right?
19 was way too young. What were you thinking? Sad
The reason your brother is upset is because he believed in you honey.
He wanted you to do well in your marriage.
Like misslissa said, he's going to need some time to work through his anger.
Just be the nice, caring brother that you've always been to him. And be patient.
His anger will soften over time.
There was a strong bond between the two of you to begin with
so I have no doubt that he will find it in his heart to forgive you someday.
Don't you worry.
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Posted by feb16aqua
I've heard "never show a man your whole ass"

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The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Posted by LostinmyMind11
I loved this show...I used to watch it with my grandma on PBS lol

we watch it sometimes with my mother in law smile

Posted by MidniteStar
Oh wow, my mom and I used to watch that show! So funny!! One of my favorite episodes was when she invited her neighbor over for tea and she ended up dropping and breaking her good china. haha Love that show!
click to expand

Lol. There's the one epi where her husband forgets her bday and he orders the indoor security system for her on that same day.
I read that Daisy's husband (In the show) Oslo, died recently. R.I.P.
So did Mary Martin (Rose's character) r.i.p.
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now. please. thanks.

i've had a number paper cuts. i've had half my house lose it's power. a massive headache. and now i've had my phone stolen.
fuck you merc n your back-ass-wards bs.

list your merc retrograde shenanigans here.