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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
I'm not a man, but have similar placements with your boyfriend (sun, moon, venus, mercury, mars). Interestingly, I've seen your thread several days ago, but only now I feel compelled to reply. I don't know why. Perhaps some transits are affecting us in the same way.
Try this: when he is busy with work and you contact him, do not ask him what/how he's doing. He needs to unwind, not to go through his stress with you. Do not mention him at all. Instead, tell him something funny, lighthearted or exciting from the real life and he most likely will welcome the distraction. When he stops engaging, keep it short and end it up on a flirty tone.
Another thing is that he might be taking you for granted. Do not take up all his calls, do not reply to all his messages. Have a social life without him from time to time and let him know something about it, while keeping it mysterious at the same time.