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Mar 19, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 122 · Topics: 11
You're oh so right and family and friends told me the same thing.
I just expected so much from this relationship. I truly believe we're a great match. So I booked a holiday, got in touch with friends and old friends. Really, I am the priority.
As far as I understand, he came back to you. Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? And how long did it take for him to come back?
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
Chest hair - on
Someone who is frugal
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
Bald - On (some men can really pull this one off)
Facial hair
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
Clumsy - off
Someone who is really regimented in their day to day life
I feel like a total idiot thinking he was really into me. Not like not attractive for being older. Don't look my age. But maybe it was an age thing to jim.
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
A social worker who really get's involved in their job - on
Unless it's my life they're sticking their now into
Someone who doesn't own a car by choice
To him I mean. I really hate this touch screen.spell check.stuff. lol. Now that I think of it, I always had to initiate calling or texting. Well most of thetime & he confessed this stuff after having so many beers... ugh