Posted by tiziani
As for the thread subject, whoever made the invite pays for everyone. That's what I believe regardless of date scenarios, romance or gender etc.
Pretty much what ninjafish said.
Going dutch is a terrible custom IMO. Asking someone out to some quality time and then expecting them to pay for the privilege. What kind of sense does that make? What does it really say about you? (By "you" i mean a general "you")
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Posted by feb16aqua
NYAA: the US does in fact impose it's own governance on other nations. We are the main promoters of democracy worldwide.
Promoting Democracy and Human Rights
Americans have complex attitudes about the idea of promoting democracy. A majority thinks that promoting democracy should be a goal of US foreign policy. However there is a reluctance to make democracy promotion a central theme in US foreign policy and an opposition to using military force or the threat of military force to that end. At the same time Americans do feel a moral obligation to promote democracy and there is substantial support for cooperative methods for promoting democracy and for working through the United Nations. A modest majority favors promoting democracy in friendly authoritarian countries even if it may lead to unfriendly governments; large majorities do favor putting diplomatic and public pressure on governments to respect human rights.
In general, a majority thinks that promoting democracy should be a goal of US foreign policy, but not a top priority. For several decades the Chicago Council has asked how important the goal of "helping to being a democratic form of government to other nations" should be for US foreign policy. A large majority-between 70 and 80% --have consistently said that it is important. Most recently in July 2006 74% said it was important. However the number saying that it is "very important" has never been more than one in three and most recently was only 17% .
Posted by Pisco26
You need to try it sometime VH
And you made me blush, ha. Gee golly.
Posted by PurrrrPosted by StoicGoat
The topic of the new first debate follows below. All players are starting with a score of zero. Audience and players are welcome to comment in this or the audience thread.
Players: you can treat this as a marathon, but you are not required to do so. You will be judged on how well you stake your position, defend it against attack, and empirically support it. Remember that although there are no formal teams, you are free to form whatever public or covert alliances you see fit.
The debate will end 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds after the time stamp on this post.
Good luck!
The United States has wielded its military supremacy to act as world police since the end of the Cold War and, arguably, even longer. Is the assumption of this ???office?? by the United States appropriate given that the US exists, for all intents and purposes, as a representative democracy?
If Americans expect to maintain the right to direct the governance of their own affairs, by what divine right do they claim the prerogative to direct those of others? Is the policing activity of which Americans have been guilty the past several decades, at a minimum, hypocritical? Why/why not?
*tips hat to Seraph for topic idea*
Holy loaded questions, Batnan!click to expand
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