Posted by coolcappyPosted by beautifulsoul74Posted by Ligeia
LOL well that's most unfortunate beautifulsoul74.
If I asked the guy out I'm more than happy to pay.
And feel I should because I asked. Now for whatever
reason come bill time he offers to pay or go dutch
I'm fine with it.
Agreed. Its not even the money and yes it's a cliche' but its the principle. Keeping your word is about integrity and honor. I wasn't even upset about it...disappointed...but not upset. I actually felt sorry for her. We're still cool and we talk every once in a while.
OMG did she really do that!? Shocking! Hate actors and actresses lol I always keep my word! And I'll never expect him pay for me like ever, even later on into relationship! Sorry but it'll have to be Dutch for me!click to expand
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