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Posted by tattooed_aries
I'm the Aries he's a Gemini, what should I not do ?
Posted by TheMoodyVulcanPosted by NotYourAverageAquarius
While this is still slightly off topic I will point out something else you are overlooking as well. The price of certain goods are at the price they are at because where they are being manufactured. If you suddenly change that and pay ten times that to a U.S. citizen to make it....it will only make the cost of the garment, shoe, ipad....go up in price exponentially. I really wish it would help but it's hard to see how and another issue is that the Laws of Economics Promotes us outsourcing. MacroEconomics would say that outsourcing not only promotes jobs in the parent country but also benefits the rest of the world....in other words the country your outsourcing to.
The outsourcing issue may be true when you have a reasonable bear market to work with and companies can afford to expand, not so unlike it was in 2004, when that study was published before the collapse of the housing bubble, but during a recession, not so much. Right now the Fed is pumping mega-dollars into the market to the tune of around $ 85 billion a week just to prevent a repeat of the '29 crash. Corporations aren't expanding in this climate, they're trying to shrink and will continue to do so as the Obama administrations tax increases take effect over the next few years unless certain repeals come to order.
And at first, there probably would be a hike in material prices because of the cost difference in labor. However, that would even out relatively quickly as the economy adjusted. Americans will be paid more than foreign laborers would, true, but in the long run you're cutting out the expense of importation, customs taxes, distribution, and middle management positions with all the tax costs that come with them. If nothing else we would at least have the satisfaction of knowing that the infant formula we're buying for our children wouldn't be laced with potentially lethal toxic chemicals. Long-term it would be more efficient and safer to produce our own supplies.click to expand
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