what would you do?

Posted by pinklibra
@Taylor now watch when she does that, then he'll come running to this board asking "Cancer Girl disappeared on me, what should I do" lol. Mark my words. What his sign anyway cancerpersonality? He sounds like a scorp or maybe a pisces they are the only ones I know that hold on for dear life like this.

Ha! You are probably right. If he is a scorpio, I think he will eventually go away but check in every 6 months or so.

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"freggin 9 years old! i was still playing barbies at that age! this is disheartening."

All I can ask here..WHERE'S MOMMY AND DADDY? Since when did money become more important?
Posted by ellessque
I don't know if this is such a good idea.
Swab tests have been known to produce "false positives" and create a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety. The only proper way to test for HIV is a blood test.
Of course, if someone produces a positive result with a swab test, they should follow up with a visit to a physician to take a blood test to confirm.
Plus, there really needs to be follow up if someone is tested positive. A blood test in a doctors office or clinic offers aftercare and counseling for those that are tested positive.
This disease is also tracked in a database trough the CDC.....testing at home, you lose that traceability....I see alot more stories of lots of people being unknowningly infected and nobody ever knowing the source.
Something about taking a private test for a terminal illness in the comfort of your own home with nobody around....doesn't set well with me. What's next? Cancer?
The reactions after a postive (possibley a "false positive")....really need to be dealt with.
Unless they've made great strides in the swab testing method, it still makes me a little uncomfortable.

"Researchers found the home test accurate 99.98 percent of the time for people who do not have the virus. By comparison, they found it to be accurate 92 percent of the time in detecting people who do. One concern is the ???window period?? between the time someone gets the virus and begins to develop the antibodies to it, which the test detects. That can take up to three months."
Those numbers ^^are just as good as the pregnancy tests. The CDC has nothing to do with it, they aren't there when you are about to have sex with someone who doesn't give a rats ass about himself or you and is NOT in the data base.
Posted by SweetLibra
Whew, get it off your chest girl. Glad you were honest with yourself and recognized the difference. Good for you smile.

thanks sweet smile yeah love fucks up my mind sometimes haha. At least im ok now. im scared of my decision but i know im better off without him smile
Posted by Aylin33
For me it sound very weird to just let someone go or to let him solve his problems alone... If you, as woman are not on his side until he save his problems, then why you say you are a woman inlove wuth him????
I was constantly contacted my Libra, even he cut off all his contctes with me for 3 weeks, but I continues to talk to him in messsages, because I knew he will read them and he likes what I said and how I support him , after this he send me his reply , said he is feel bad and sad ( for what was wrong ) but he loves me. I was more than happy to see that he appreciate my love and he still love me and have this feeling same as me. I think when 2 peoples love each other, is very important to be one near each other, not important if we are distance , distance in love is not exist , just between the places.... Remember this, so be warm with your libras and you will get warm response and he will always be back to you . smile

i dont agree with your post, but if it works for you YIPPIE. 1st of all, ALL RELATIONS are different & ALL COUPLES do exactly what works FOR THEM. 2ndly, its HIS PROBLEMS & not mine or OUR PROBLEM, so its his to solve. 3rdly, we are not siamese twins, we need space to focus & get a mental and emotional alignment. We are both air signs so space is VERY important. If your libra is koala & wants to be around you all the time, well this one is not like that, besides i would have dumped him since i dont remember adopting him- i need space to breathe & not have someone all up in my ass all the damn time. Do you, k? smile
Posted by SweetLibra
Yeah, lol. At least discuss the rules of the house. Lets not have this happen again. That's how people get hurt. You don't mess with a man's pizza. Everybody knows that, lol.

yeah its like me and my beer... touch everything but my hair and my beer. hahaha
i guess im weird but if someone chases me too much and i cant satisfy mu curiosity as to why its a red flag for me. maybe im just too suspicious but everyone needs something from someone.
...and YES!! Regarding Cancer tests like this would be a VERY positive thing to catch early. Shit how many more miles do we have to walk/run, billions donated to find a cure for cancer? At least they would be taking a good chunk of that donated money and giving it back to people who cannot afford doctor's visits and tests without health insurance? If cancer cells are found with a home test, then medical aid can be applied for and the person can hopefully get treated without losing a roof over their heads. The cost of health care alone would go down when early detection is available. Same with the AIDS issue. It's about time they are giving us options to protect ourselves.
Posted by libra08
i guess im weird but if someone chases me too much and i cant satisfy mu curiosity as to why its a red flag for me. maybe im just too suspicious but everyone needs something from someone.

not weird at all, but people arent the same. Besides, if the feeling is mutual, why the hell not? Chase
if im in love no one questions me for i give my all. that person feels it unless he doesnt appreciate what i have done.
There's nothing that satisfies me more than clarity.... i dont like thinking too much. I want stability.IF you said yes it should just plain yes for im indecisive already and if my partner is as hard to comprehend than it would be absolute chaos.
close your eyes and kiss..feel how he feels. when i kiss i surrender everything.
Posted by ellessque
My fear is follow up and aftercare. I've experienced being in the same room with someone who tested positive from a blood test, it's devastating. If the medical staff wasn't there to deal with the trauma....and I wasn't there on the ride home....he later admitted he probably would have committed suicide.

I would assume it depends on the individual. Would a person rather die in a hospital around strangers when they can do so with respite care in the comfort of their home? It IS comforting to be able to do this on your own and it is also common sense to get your ass to a doctor for follow up care. You have to ask yourself, what kind of person would put a loaded gun to their head after taking a test like this and getting a positive result? Very small percentage. No difference if a strange clinic or doctor tells you. You're going to leave that facility with the bad news and make a choice..blow your brains out or try and save yourself. All depends on the person.