Posted by CapsRule
Wow, very interesting replies there. Thanks to all of you!
I must add that those were NOT solicited remarks; they just came in out of the blue. I am a Cap
myself (but have a Cancer moon) but have learned over the years how to buffer my remarks because
they CAN and DO hurt others. Maybe that's why they call me an "evolved" Cap.
At any rate, I think these guys need to think a little more before opening their mouths -- good
intentions not withstanding.
Posted by coolcappy
strange, I never thought love can possibly ever go away. Like the real love I mean. Yeah it alters and changes with time and hey it could grow even more and not necessarily diminish with time but to actually disipate and all you have left is just obligation or I don't know, respect for the vows you took or appreciation for loyalty or just because you happen to never meet anyone else you'd fall in love with? It's hard for me to accept because it doesn't happen to me. Also it's hard to believe that once free of loving someone you'd not be easily inclined to see/meet someone else you'd fall for because people usually are seeking subconsciously/conciously for love. I'm afraid if I stop loving I can't be living forever without love. I value love a lot and will always seek it. And I feel often that my love feeds on his love because more often than not he gives me signs his love for me is even stronger than mine for him, if that's even possible.
Posted by Sangfroid
I can't keep my mouth shut if I'm happy about something. EVERYONE is going to hear about whatever.
Posted by ninjafish
^Look I was so upset I even made a slashy thing accidentally.
Posted by LetltBPosted by CancerCutey
Ok gonna try to make this short as possible but its pretty detailed. We married Dec. 1995 the first time, he moved fast and married me fast. HE cheated, lied and did nothing to help support our household or child. I divorced him. We have a son together who is now 17. I refused to speak to him or let him know where I was for 13 yrs. He finally found me and made contact, He hired not one but TWO private investigators to find me!
I was hesistant but emailed him and spoke that way. He stated he grew up alot
As soon as you were questioned about deliberately removing your son from his father for 13 YEARS, you conveniently changed the story to abuse.
Judgemental much?? I am so glad YOU know my past better than I do!! Well since you know so much you probably know he went to PRISON for drug use and running from the cops for 6 years. So even if I had not left he would not have seen his son anyway because I would not have taken him to a prison...all i can say to your post is WOW!!click to expand
Posted by jessejames
Good Morning Leoliza!! Well I have grown in the fact that I don't get as uptight about things as I used to, I'm very thankful for that because, I once was a spazzzzzzzzzzzz!! I'm doing so much better now that I have gotten rid of the Aries man that was like a shit cloud over me.