Best sex you ever had...What sign put it on you?

Posted by DonJohnson
i don't think you can tell by the sun placement.
it's more Rising sign (sex appeal, physical endurance, endowment), mars and venus(sex drive, behavior)
8th house action too.
Has little to do with sun placement imo

Ok could you explain the sex thing while looking at my chart....I'm new to this and it's fascinating how you can tell these things!!
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Gemini 15.47 Ascendant Scorpio 4.00
Moon Capricorn 7.48 II Sagittarius 2.56
Mercury Cancer 9.06 III Capricorn 4.38
Venus Taurus 7.38 IV Aquarius 8.11
Mars Cancer 28.42 V Pisces 10.48
Jupiter Pisces 16.23 VI Aries 9.41
Saturn Cancer 5.18 VII Taurus 4.00
Uranus Libra 23.55 R VIII Gemini 2.56
Neptune Sagittarius 8.02 R IX Cancer 4.38
Pluto Libra 4.06 R Midheaven Leo 8.11
Lilith Aquarius 2.53 XI Virgo 10.48
Asc node Sagittarius 19.22 XII Libra 9.41

Related Messages

Posted by christinelovessnickers
*hugs* everything will be fine. It may not seem like it now because things are always worse before they get better. When did your son's outbursts start?

They started after the move. We were still in the same house (ex and I) until the move. But not as bad and he was seeing his farther on a regular basis. They became worse after his farther left the country and his farther told him he may never see him again is when they increased. They have been through so many life changes and I am just trying to make a stable environment. Thank you so much!!
LOL! Aww, he moved 'cause you mentioned him.
Ok, you have convinced me, I shall not delete. Winking
Now, now, don't be making any rash decisions...
Yay! I haven't been privy to your womanizing dxpnet ways, so I am looking forward to it!! smile
For enfant (you can thank Ian)

Posted by tiki33
Seems everyone covered all sides of your situation quite well Softwater.
I do have a question? What month was he born? Is he a July Leo or August Leo or an August/September leo on the cusp of Virgo.
Leos can be quite territorial over the people they love and care about.
Emotional affairs are intense, addictive and very hard to cut ties from. You're still having an affair albeit emotional. Not judging you, just pointing that out.
You're deeply in love and it's messy and filled with unrequited feelings of affection, I'm not sure I'm able to tackle this tonight though.

I've been reading your posts forever, never thought I'd need to ask for your help. Thanks for responding to my call for help. He was born on the 14 August. He has confessed to being in love with me but after he confessed this he wouldn't speak to me for 2 weeks following. He asked me why he felt so vulnerable after saying those words and I couldn't answer because until now I never thought I knew what in-love was (are you certain I'm deeply in love?). I do feel a very strong attachment to him. I have to accept I had an emotional affair with him...thank you for not judging me because right now I am and I'm highly critical of myself.
I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts and any advice.
What I really want to know is...
Is it ONLY the non-pisces in this thread complaining about the sexual GIFs? Lolol.
Gotta say, I am 100% non offended and slightly turned on.
Thanks Big Grin

How the hell did you fuck up your account silly??

Shit my spelling sucks tonight...
(from post above) *we're
NO, I still do NOT want an edit option!
I didn't read through 9 of the pages in between this one so forgive me if this has been said.
I think guys generally think that the women are taken or are very high maintenance if they look beautiful and are dressed nice. I get some looks but certain ethnic groups will only talk to me when I am with a friend of the same ethnic group of the man. Sometimes I wish more ethnicities had the confidence to approach anyone. Some are automatically intimidated and think I wouldn't be interested. The men that do talk to me always tell me how surprised they are that I am nice and so down to earth. I am very humble when it comes to my looks. They will fade as I get older and I hope I have someone by my side that is into my personality and not just my looks. I could get into a bad accident and lose my looks, I don't want my man leaving too.
Email Duncan and have it fixed!