Crush on a Taurus woman, I have known for 5 years

@ TaurusBull1977 yeah I hear ya. I think she knows that I like her alot. And yes the weed thing is funny, we are gonna do it again from what she wrote med the other day smile Yesterday she had to leave abit earlier than I from our workout and I was talking to one of the girls who knows us both, and she too said that when she first started out, she thought we were a couple and yesterday she said "I wouldn't worry, I think it will eventually happen that u guys will be together"
Must say that I have never had such a deep connection before, sometimes we write/text the same thing at the same moment to one another, really weird, and when we say the same thing at the same time, I always say "hey, u know masterminds think alike". She is so awesome smile

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