Posted by xxoommmxxooPosted by truecap
I hate to say this but Mr Defense is right. I like someone who comes in and takes charge. Someone confident. Someone to take the lead. Takes a strong man to put me in my place, otherwise I might have a tendency to walk all over them. Then, it would be over because if I could walk over you and control you, then I wouldn't respect you. I can't be with someone I don't respect.
So, that said, be that man. It's got to be natural, because I can see right through anyone who's not real.
Sweet is good. Vulnerable is okay. Weak and wimpy are not. You have to be strong along with it. Personally, I prefer a "man's" man. A manly man, if you will.
Virgo men put the kabosh on controlling behavior real quick, that's why i love them lolclick to expand
Posted by TheLadyScorpioPosted by tiziani
Lady Scorpio, I'm speechless.
Thank you very much.
You deserve it, I think most would agree.
A rainbow of sunshine to expand
Posted by tmijones
I did question him because i felt maybe IT wad to soon for him to be in a soon After just splitting from his ex, and i was scared that i would invest time and love towards him and He would end up changing his mind.....
Posted by tmijones
Me being a gemini always look AT a logical point of veiw and an emtional point of veiw. When He was with Me He was completley focused on Me, but during the week was sometimes difficult to communicate so i would Start to question the relationship.
Posted by tmijones
I would ask him if He needed time to figure things out when He would vent about the kids Mom, but that would only piss him off and He actually ignored Me for 5 days. Like i said maybe i was in IT More than him. I was focused on him, and He wad focused on her.
Posted by tmijones
I think He truley wants to move on because He knows the relationship was unhealthy w her, but He must still love her. I think my question really is, did He even Care about Me? Cuz if this was all in my head..... to expand
Posted by tmijones
i think right now im confused and hurt and dont understand his decsion...And if He did try and reach out to Me IT will be hard to say if i can let go and trust him.
Posted by braggablePosted by Silvermermaid
Hell no.... my mom and dad were both pisces... baaaaaaaad combination!!!!!
Dang, and you're a pisces too! It's a fish family. Do you guys live near water?click to expand
Posted by Lobo
test, maybe see who can be more intense... who can be more secretive, who can read things and emotions better..
Posted by xxnightbynightPosted by lildol
Where's your Moon and Mars?
Maybe I should have included that: for Natives include Moon/Venus/Mars
Mars is in Taurus
Moon is in Scorpio
I learned my patience from the dark side of my moon. ;-pclick to expand