Posted by CluelessCancer
Did you run up to him and KISS him?
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My imaginary friend thinks you have serious problems.
Posted by RichardParker
What if someone is incessantly harassing you via PM? Like sending you unsolicited nuggets of pure fucking cray? And not the funny kind of cray, but the truly stabby stabby kind?
You tell them to stop contacting you, but they just won't.
What then? Is block and report the only real recourse you have in this situation?
Posted by RichardParkerPosted by tizianiPosted by RichardParker
Lol, I said goodbye to Pi, but he was too busy eating sand.
Not really into the whole spectacle-shaming thing.
I just want the messages to stop once and for all.
You can click on their username and the option "block XXX from contacting you" does the job, I think (not sure).
Right, but I don't really like censorship of any sort. Everyone has a unique voice that deserves to be heard.
I've blocked a couple of users in the past, but I always eventually take them off because I like to read dxp in its entirety, not muffled or censored.
But this one is actually pretty to expand
Posted by RichardParker
To the person who is STILL harassing me via PM, even at this very moment.
Why won't you stop PMing me with your ridiculous accusations? I have already asked you to stop several times.
I am not James Tate, beautifulsoul74 or Balmy Tigress. I am also not using photos from obituaries as my profile pics. Seriously, could you be any more fucking morbid?
Despite the fact that I have sent you SEVERAL Vocaroos in response to your accusations, you still insist that I am a man. I already explained that the name Richard Parker was chosen as an ironic joke, and was not to be taken literally.
I'm sorry that you are obviously unhappy, but stop taking your shit out on me.
I will not be responding to any more of your PMs. But I will be saving/screenshotting every single one.
That is all.
Posted by shellshockerPosted by David13
She was feeling me out via sms yesterday...
She brought all her stuff last night... I guess she planned to spend the night... presumptive... but a nice touch.
she's so playing you. no matter what you do, all the nice over the top gestures...she'll still keep you on her arms length leash and put out when she feels like it.
she tells you she's no good for you and you should stay away from her... I'd listen
I wondering if this was a girl, asking about a Scorpio male who was pulling this stuff if the OP would get the same answers?click to expand
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