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Posted by BalmyTigress
Tiziani makes a great point that men need some security as well, knowing that it's going to go somewhere. What if the man is doing the same circular dating thing and just waiting for some woman to let him know that it's time to move forward? :-)
Then again, I might just be talking out of my ass, because I've never really dated like that and I've never been passive.
Posted by rachelsnow12
Hi everyone! I am totally fine and unattached right now from him. Whereas before, I know for a fact that I would have been pissed and gave him an earful about the bs he pulled. I feel that by me responding for him to have fun and blah blah blah, got his wheels turning for once. Since I didn't react the way I normally do, or perhaps the way he was hoping for.
If he would have invited me to the strip club, I would have said no anyways. They don't serve booze at the place, I was already in my pj's enjoying a glass of wine, and the girls there aren't really the cream of the crop..haha.
He was texting me from 8:30- 11:30pm. I finally sent him a text telling him to have fun with the guys, get some lap dances and to stop texting me, I was going to read and get some sleep. He responded back "forget u" and "I hate u". Ha! Hilarious. I find that to be rather liberating if you ask me, and it makes it easier for me to blow him off and not let him have the hold on me as he did. Of course we will still be friends and hang out, but there will be some changes, if he hasn't noticed already, in my demeanor. I am who I am, and will behave the way I choose, and should the day come that he ever wants more and I am still single, he will have to work is ass off for it.
I know what the nature of everyone's responses are/were going to be. But I really do find his behavior interesting, and slightly enjoyable, since the tables are slowing turning. As you can all imagine, this hasn't happened often in our 4 years, since I have always been putting myself on a silver platter for him :-).
Posted by Mr. Defense
Rocky just wanted to get some suit started. While this thread is suppose to be about no drama, rocky road was about to become dramatic. SL and me were having a discussion, uf no drama.
I'm not a playful person. m not very playful in person, and I'm sure as hell not playful online. If I'm in a messageboard, it means I have something to talk about. Otherwise I don't sign in. I know this thread count can shoot up fast when playful comments go back and forth. But I generally don't involve myself in playful posting. I have nothing to contribute there. I don't tell people they shouldnt be playful, I just understand when people are I don't adequately match that energy.
Plus I have a lot on my plate so I don't have the luxury of being carefree right now. I have to be solution driven.
Posted by SweetLibraPosted by LeeeebraPosted by SweetLibra
I'm not sure if Pech is gone just yet. But she has a status update on the front page announcing her departure is in the very near future. She's requested to be deleted.
nawwwww...but why? something happened?
I think she just felt it was time. She had mentioned deleting in here a couple of days ago. If there was something else that put her over the edge I missed it.click to expand
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