Hello everybody...new to the forum so be kind Ive just started to see a Pisces male..Im a Cancer...Can anyone tell me why I am so damn attracted to him...I cant look at him sometimes, its only been 4 weeks and already I can see myself falling hook, line and sinker. The very thought of him moves me...when we are alone its so intense, I can feel the electric in the air, even when we are in company 'its' there...the way he holds me, Ive never felt safer I know its early days, but I can honestly say I feel like Ive known him forever...we get along so well, hes funny, hes cute and as I say in all my years, Ive not had anyone get under my skin like this little fish could and is doing...Ive read that Cancer and Pisces are a good match...we have spoke a little bit about feelings, like we have both agreed on how intense our feelings are for each other...he said the other night 'this is weird, how I feel about you' and he never really said anything else... he has also said he wants me, but he doesn't want to get hurt...We have both had nasty controlling relationships..so I know where he is coming from, hes been hurt bad, I don't know how anyone could do that to someone as lovely as him how do I re-assure him Im not like that and not all his realtionships are going to go the same way as his last one...I think I know how happy we could be and make each other, this feels right. So Im willing to buy a bigger net and catch my fish lol, however long it takes... Ive posted this on the 'Cancer page' too Thank you for reading this
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Posted by Ariangirl I have been reading about this: when Virgo men are in love, they push you away. I don't get the logic behind this. My Virgo guy was like that when he first admitted he loved me. He just ran away!!! And I had to do the searching and chasing. Also, why are you hot and suddenly cold and so distant? I don't find it logical that thing..isn't it, when you love someone, you try your best to be with the person and not push her away?
Not speaking as a Virgo male but a female. Maybe you didn't give him the reassurance that he was looking for, so he backed away. We want to know that someone is on the same wavelength as we are. If we are not a 100% sure that you are, the pulling away begins. It's a way of protecting ourselves. We pull away to go back within ourselves and heal. We do hurt easily once there are feelings attached to someone. Not only that, but as I'm sure you have read, we can be very independent and self-sufficient. Feeling weak is not something a Virgo likes to feel at all! I don't know what your reaction was to him when he told you he loved you, but maybe it wasn't what he was expecting but maybe he backed away to regroup and think. We are thinkers. Hope I was able to give some insight.
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I told him, "he cannot love me if he loves someone else." So, he said, "forget I said it." But then , I pursued him and chased him..he still pushed me away until he can no longer distance himself. We're 'in a relationship' now but then he's still distant and reserved most of the time.
Signed Up: Jan 19, 2013 Comments: 2 · Posts: 641 · Topics: 43
is that you guys stick to your own board for the most part. while the misc./relationships/astrology etc. boards have most all signs visiting, very few taur's wander there, some do, but few. is this a taurusy thing? not interested in leaving their humble abode . as a virgo, i am restless and want to read more what is there on the general boards more than the home board.
I've been inclined to use possessive words throughout my experience with love- call it a Scorpio-ish thing. I think words like this are sweet as long as there is no delusion or literal interpretation of the phrase "you're mine" or "you belong to me." If taken too seriously by either person- there may be an unfolding of control issues.
One thing to remember in relationships I've found, is that although you may be with someone, and you can say that person is yours- they never really will be. A persons identity belongs solely to themselves, if they wished to leave, or change they could do that within an instant and it would be completely beyond anyone's control. That's something we all must accept, real power over anything living doesn't exist, and never will. Unpredictability is a part of human nature. However.. I do think if used lightly saying "you're mine" can't hurt at all, and can be sort of adorable. .
Signed Up: Aug 09, 2011 Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
Posted by seraph Nah, Wyn, it's just turned into something fun. Things like that have a life of their own around here. At this point, though, enough time has passed that I can't associate you with anything other than the cat in your avi. I've even created a voice for you in my head. Actually, I prefer that that image stay as it is.. It's just so perfectly fleshed out.
Signed Up: Feb 15, 2011 Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Posted by DeeGee I was gonna continue this BS but decided to hide the post....keep us posted on the outcome of this union I'm curious to find out what happens. Although I have a pretty good idea.
"keep us posted on the outcome of this union I'm curious to find out what happens" GTFOH...I wouldn't tell you shit because it's none of your business & I know you're just dying to be all up in mine, but uh...try focusing on your life, not mine. But... I gotta say your idea is on point!!! Hahahaha...we're going to get married, have 2 kids & a coupla' pets. Thanks for being my biggest cheerleader!!!
Signed Up: Aug 09, 2011 Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
Posted by Purrrr UM, does anyone else have some bullshit called "star logger" on their phone now? Wow, excellent fucking timing. If so, does anyone else know how to get rid of this shit?
I noticed a DXP bookmark icon stashed on my phone a while back...and I don't even remember bookmarking it.