^^^ maybe Intrigued, but she doesn't have to say it to the Pisces for him to "catch it". Water signs should NEVER underestimate each other. She's going to get blindsided by her own actions and you bet she's going to be heartbroken. All the writing is on the wall but she'll be scratching her head, wondering what happened... and blaming HIM!
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Signed Up: Mar 10, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 95 · Topics: 8
Posted by virgodreamz lol Anyway though Is the GF into choking for to feel dominated or is it for the physical sensation of lightheadedness?
I think it's a lil of both, i did it the other day n i couldve sworn she turned a shade of purple :/ She's stated in the past that she's always been the dominant one, but girls usually give in to my dominance for some reason, I don't even really feel like I exert it. I dominate her in plenty of other ways, so I think it's more on the lightheaded-ness side to increase the feeling of an orgasm. I'm only interested in it because it's for her, it pleases me to her satisfied.
Signed Up: May 18, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 732 · Topics: 18
Hi everyone, I know being with capi guys feels like you are being tested and boy do you need a lot of patience which I haven't had much of in the past. I am beginning to realise that this is key. We were talking the other day just general really not about future plans etc. But he let's slip that he is very very cautious in situations. He's never mentioned this before.. I'm not really sure what to do with the information? Plus he keeps asking me to initiate the conversation. I'm not big on small talk - it's beginning to annoy me ugggh If he wants to talk to me why doesn't he pick a topic n just ask? On a few of the other threads on here people have said capi's don't like to make the first move. We've been together along time but I'm having issues on resolving this aspect of our relationship The communication element... We've recently been spending a lot more time together he has been initiating date nights at the movies for the last 3-4 weeks. We go every week now - I let him pick as not having a date night was beginning to take its toll on the relationship Our schedules have been packed n stressfull since Dec so it's a welcomed change and a step in the right direction. He also mentions particular films he wants to watch - I don't mind what we watch -I love movies But the other day he said that I don't have to watch films with just him...I could go with friends too..? Is there a hidden message here ?