Taurus feeling guilty if they 'relax'

I'm guilty of this hahaha I'll be laying in my bed in the morning for like 2 hours just LAYING there and I feel disgusting for not doing anything productive, but guess what? I still lay there in disgust hahahaha I HATE when I do that!
I feel guilt because I feel like as time passes I reflect on the past and think "well I could've used all my free time in the past learning languages (hobby), doing something of benefit for myself, etc, but NO, I spent all that time sleeping, lounging, playing video games, etc etc.".
But without any of that free time, I get stressed out. It's a lose lose situation thanks to my restless Aries moon/mercury feet fighting my lazy Taurusness.

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Posted by ellessque
Posted by ianthepisces
Posted by Amandus
...So thats why.
I'll pass though.

you've long been verified..
carry on..


Thats good to know. Appreciate the love Elle. smile
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M! *squish hugs you till you poo*
Do those with a gemini rising care what other people think of them? And go out of their way to impress people and then forget about those who have already been in there life and done alot for them over the years? They don't necessarily have to be virgo sun..
Posted by Metoo
Is it true love or infatuation?
I would be dating if I were you & look at him as a best friend, but unless he wants to step up you have nothing & all the wishing & being in love with him wont make it work.
Date others and stop holding onto the past. If an aqua has feelings for you especially after a decade of friendship & intimacy, you'll KNOW it. He would travel to get more of that time & intimacy.
also when he answered your text, he spoke of a closer bond as though it was another era in his life. He does care but is not planning a life with you. friends & leave it at that.

Not to get, but doesn't this sound a lot like that movie One Day, with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess?
I find that watching movies, while obviously not good to define reality, can kinda purge my emotions a bit so I can approach my real-life problem with a different perspective and clarity of mind. This flick is about keeping things in perspective and not taking time for granted, and other rom-com staples, but it may help. I recommend it.
My 2??.
Thanks guys I appreciate all your input. He seems to have a little emotions attached but not a lot. I guess I just need to be patient and let it fall where it may. He has mentioned about have sex again so I guess that's a good thing......
I already gave you one Feb it's your turn
Or do they feel secure regardless?
Are there any particular planetary placements that could cause them to be more or less affected by this issue?
So who's the lucky guy
Thanks guys for all your advice, it does help me in a big way. I like to think that I am me most of the time. However, it is hard for me to show him the real me when we hardly ever see each other. So I have to show him through my words. It's so hard to understand a cap guy, because they are so distant. One minute he is there and the next he isn't. So if he went out of his way to wake me up at 6:30 this morning that is a big deal right????????
I think Leos are run by egos. I am the same way. Even for a leo I have a lot of patience but once I get pushed so much, there goes my hurtful words that can kill you and your confidence. We are stubborn creature. When we think it's right, we really think we are. The pride is what's killing us. So as I matured I've learned to keep my mouth shut until I am well collected. Some are just not avoidable. But I do apologize to others. You cannot change who you are but you can improve yourself and handle situation better. Disappearing is not bad. Like me, when I'm angry I walk away not to hurt them because I do not want to explode and make the situation more complicated.