Posted by IntriguedScorp
Well @BeutifulLocs I'm happy you seemed to have met a nice guy you get along with. Why we gotta always put negative thoughts into people's minds on DXP? Maybe they are happy and having fun in the moment? It happens. *shrugs*
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Posted by Sizzurp
I didn't read the whole thread, but I didn't get the notion that the conversation was about shooting other people down.
But, in the context of attraction, it's a fair part of the topic imo.
Posted by scorchedearthPosted by NotYourAverageAquariusPosted by Grey
Female bodybuilders gross me out.
Makes sense my brother's a Leo too
do you get along with him? my sisters my opposite too and we have problems with getting along sometimes. lolclick to expand
Posted by feby16aqua
Anything in extreme isn't great imo but different strokes for different folks. Someone's hitting it
Posted by bkbella86
I had one semi good friendship with a cap dude until he barked on my one day like no man ever has....i never spoke to him again.
Posted by Caplove
Do NOT be afraid to call him out on it! Put him in line when he's doing it and lay down the law. Hold firm and stand your ground. He will respect you more for it and he should back down after you've told him so. If he keeps pushing it, then for me, it is a huge red to expand
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