help with libra male

I meet this guy online. We went on 2 dates everything is going really well.we both felt this warmth when we're with eachother. We could talk for hours on the phone and text a lot. I'm really liking this guy and he likes me too. He lives almost 2 hours away. He drove up to see me for only a couple of hours before I went to work, and drove back home. That was really sweet of him. I didn't want the date to end. This was on Sunday. He was telling me he already misses me Sunday night and I told him I miss being with him too. Monday happens and were still being lovey dovey to eachother. We had plan to meet up half way on Wednesday for a date ..tues day I could sense something is wrong so I didn't try and push it with him. We talked briefly at night he had a long day and was falling sleep on the phone. So in the morning I had asked him if were still meeting up he told me: I'm sorry, but I will not beable to today. I've got way too much on my plate here at work. I told him: oh ok I understand . I hope everything works out for you @work. He said: me to..again, I apologize. What I'm needing help is how do I know if he's sincer, and If so how can I be there for him and not be too smothering. I really like this guy and want something to good happen out of this. We connect so well and the chemistry is obvious there. Am I just overly looking into this and maybe he's just too busy? I have been giving him some space, but I want him to know I'm still there for him as well with out being to smothering. How ever I'f this helps, we talked on the phone tuesday night. Today is only Wednesday.

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I'm pretty sure almost every woman on the planet likes Ryan Gosling. ?
Posted by MuchLovetoGive
I always thought I was super expressive until the current situation I'm in with a cancer woman. I mean, I'm very expressive, but there's this back room of emotions that I won't let anyone into. I'll say, "I'm going to just put everything out on the table," and then it's mild and bland and doesn't come near expressing what I'm truly feeling. Some others have explained some of what I feel here, for example, words not truly holding the depth of the feelings inside.
It's like I need a translator or something. I feel - I love you. I say - I care for you deeply. It does seem like a form of embarrassment or fear of rejection. It's sad, because I'm making myself sick holding my true feelings inside. All my friends know how much I care about her, but I've never shown her "the secret room."
She isn't one to talk much at all, so I guess that just adds to my fear of rejection and the thought that I might end up embarrassing myself.
Anyway, I'm pretty expressive about how I feel about people and family and news stories and movies, everything, but having such deep feelings for someone creates a massive expression problem for me.

You should tell her. She needs to hear it. Especially since she's a Cancer, she REALLY needs to hear it!!!
Thanks for explaining your point of view. His family treats me very well. For instance, his mother always gives me a big, big hug when she sees me.
Posted by meekimoo
I've been tempted to cheat in the past but I never did.

From a woman's point of view - or rather, from your point of view - why were you tempted to cheat? What was tempting about it? smile
Posted by candi3bb
i guess i can't really feel accepted if i were to communicate those feelings, so i just simply adapt and move on. I suppose the root is not trusting or giving others a chance to show capabilities of caring.Because at the end, its simple..others will respond to my needs or feelings with reasons and logic. Something along the lines of "you misunderstood, what i meant is..."
so i figure if i can just see that as their response then why bother expressing?

Have you been humiliated or embarrassed before? I feel like if you don't take risks you will never know. There's always a way to come out gracefully. Just have your exit strategy planned. Like "I love you"..."you misunderstood"..."duh! like a friend doofus! I love all my friends!"
Posted by tiziani
Good morning to NYC smile

Morning TIZI!!!! *Waving*
^ yea but it sounds at the same time he neither of you were really into who you were dating in the first place if you were flirting with each other so much.
Maybe your exs are now hooking up lull
*Waving* @ Grey and SugarFoot!!! Morning!!
Breith?? sona duit Taibhse!

Hello to the forum so be kind smile
Ive just started to see a Pisces male..Im a Cancer...Can anyone tell me why I am so damn attracted to him...I cant look at him sometimes, its only been 4 weeks and already I can see myself falling hook, line and sinker. The very thought of him moves me...when we are alone its so intense, I can feel the electric in the air, even when we are in company 'its' there...the way he holds me, Ive never felt safer smile I know its early days, but I can honestly say I feel like Ive known him forever...we get along so well, hes funny, hes cute and as I say in all my years, Ive not had anyone get under my skin like this little fish could and is doing...Ive read that Cancer and Pisces are a good match...we have spoke a little bit about feelings, like we have both agreed on how intense our feelings are for each other...he said the other night 'this is weird, how I feel about you' and he never really said anything else... he has also said he wants me, but he doesn't want to get hurt...We have both had nasty controlling I know where he is coming from, hes been hurt bad, I don't know how anyone could do that to someone as lovely as him Sad how do I re-assure him Im not like that and not all his realtionships are going to go the same way as his last one...I know how happy we could be, so Im willing to buy a bigger net and catch my fish lol, however long it takes...
Thank you for reading this smile
Posted by DonJohnson
Posted by Sag89
I'm pretty sure almost every woman on the planet likes Ryan Gosling. ?

He's got the charisma of a

click to expand

lol well he does something to make himself popular obviously. < you can't deny that. Personally I'm a christian bale fan.