how long does it take to get a virgirl there

Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Saw the title and thought "Takes me about 7 or 8 minutes to mine there".
Then I actually read the post and realized I was thinking something different.

Hahaha I was thinking the same thing. I was gonna be like ..well hmm depends. Are you good with your penis? Then probably not that long lol

Cancer guy....umm really depends on different factors. I can't give you an exact moment when "we" are at that point...but seems like she is getting there.
I will tell you this though...she is watching your consistency. And I think that's the main thing...once she can see that you truly are going to be (longer than 3 weeks) then things might move along faster. She basically telling you that in a round about way. Just be yourself and go with the flow and let the relationship take its course smile.

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Sorry about your name...I'm on my phone and if I switch between deals I lose what I wrote ...and Idk know why I'm telling you all this anyway *cancerious20