help with libra male

Angelnsand... Funny I'm in ur shoes! Kinda- I can relate I also am having doubts about this Libra guy I just meet on the Internet less than a month a go. it also has been a while since I felt so much genuine attention from a Guy as well. It just feels RIGHT when ur with them they make u feel like ur The Queen of the World!!! lol
There known for being Charming Men. What has helped me is learning not to "over think" things. Letting things happen and flow organically. Do you and if he calls good if not don't stress. if he really likes ya he'll come around.. Libras are also known to do the "disappearing act" on ppl. Don't take it personal. Sometimes they just need time to weigh out things.. Funny I say All this I was in your shoes not too long ago too?!!! At first I went all koo coo but now I'm good if its ment to be it will BE!Winking
Hope this helps Good luck keep us posted!

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Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
sorry babe, I didn't phrase that very well.....the eclipse happens at 19 degrees Taurus. What planets do you have in Taurus and are any of them near that 19 degree point? Where is your Sun? And what house or houses does Taurus inhabit in your chart?
The closer to the degree of the eclipse the bigger the effect is supposed to feel.

Ooooh lol I only have Sun in Taurus at 19.31 for planets and I have Taurus in house XI at 25.06. Guess I'll barely be feeling anything lol
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
is it retrograde?

i dont think so.
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by DAMEN VI
Posted by scorchedearth
great and here comes damen with the trans bashing. ignorant fuck.

hey dumb ass, i wasn't bashing trannies, i was bashing the parents...but i will proceed to bash the lil he/she demon in this post..
the parents are allowing that thing to talk sexually to little boys..thats not right,at all..and that thing seems like a horny little gay devil too, because when it spoke about the boy it liked, it licked its lips like a fucking lil twisted sex demon..its only 12 and already thinking about dicks
a real father would take that thing out back, tie it to a tree and burn it alive on some evil dead shit..because its gonna corrupt normal boys and make them feel weird about themselves if they end up liking it..i'd be pissed if my son ended up getting attacked by that horny lil looks like it cant wait to turn some lil innocent kid out too

Sounds personal. Been fooled before damen?

no..but thinking about the fact that my son could end up getting fooled by some lil sex craved demon person angers me a tad
Posted by scorchedearth
damen don't you have some unsuspecting woman to go date rape? why are you wasting time in this thread?
click to expand

honestly,i think you want me to rape you..and you're a disgusting bag of dirt for thinking i'd take you on a date to do it..pfft

I have sun in Taurus 18'45 and North node in Taurus 18'11. I wonder what i will feel about this eclipse?
Natally i was born 1 day apart from eclipse as well.
Posted by greengemini
Posted by scorchedearth
Posted by greengemini
I didnt really read the thread but i see that scorched is in here so i have an idea what type of party this is. Im not here to fight or argue i just have something to share.

what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

It means you're confrontational. It seems like youre easily angered over words on your computer screen.
click to expand

its because she's gay..or she think she's gay..
what she doesn't seem to understand is that the reason WHY she's so angry all the time is because she's not allowing herself to get piped down like the whore she truly wants to be..
Posted by deezie

To "catch" a fish....

This is amazing. ME GUSTA. Big Grin

It may just be because, I'm young and don't get everything about relationships yet LOL. But, why would you agree to be friends with benefits with someone. Then expect a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship out of it? I don't get it, not trying to pass judgement. I just truly don't understand. I feel like being fwb with someone you really like only brings heart break. Doesn't one person eventually develop deep feelings for the other?
Just noticed a pattern with some of the forums on here. Does anyone else agree?
Posted by ScorpioFish
Posted by shellshocker
It took me a year to really start to open up to my Pisces. (he says longer... but tomato, tomoto) I just kept circling him till my waters were calmer

Did you kiss him first, or did he kiss you first?
click to expand

Nice to see you, Scubs!!!... but I don't kiss and tell Winking
Posted by scorchedearth
damen, if anyone needs to get piped down it's you. maybe you'd calm a little bit if some guy would finally give you what you've been dreaming about all your life. homophobia to the degree you exhibit is always a surefire way to tell someone is a closet homo. you wouldn't be so hate filled if you weren't angry with yourself over it. Winking

im not scared of homo's, so how could i be homophobic?? i just don't want the gays pushing up on straight people, like the lil demon child was doing to the unsuspecting kid..
You should both get a jolt out of this one then. Something nice, and you should feel the effects for the whole year if it is hitting your sun.
Rock on bulls!!

11th house - your tribe/who your friends are/your team. Good things happening kupochanWinking