are Sag men known to cheat?

Posted by AriesIntrovert16
Does he ever ask to you to go with him? I understand that men im general need their space but to continuously leave you home every night is crazy. Maybe he doesnt know youre bothered by it.

He knows I have a problem with it but he says he works second shift all week and wants to have some free time. He has weekends off but still he's started going out late on the days he have work he gets off at midnight comes home or sometimes doesn't come home and then goes out again to wherever. And then calls me in the morning acting like he wants to see me knowing I do go to school in the morning and work the same shift as him at the same job but we never see each other at work. And then its the same thing everyday. Even on the weekends I don't really get to hang out or see him as much as I want to and then one day we went out to lunch which I were so excited for he may a big deal about me taking long to eat I thought that time was supposed to be our time to hang out and have at least part of the day to us but he made a big deal about the one to 1 1/2 hour we were out eating lunch. I asked him if he had something to do or somewhere to go and he said no its just he doesn't like to sit in the same spot for too long he has to move around O__o I didn't understand because I thought he would want to be around me. And then when I said that we could just go he said no finish your food but I'm like you were just complaining about me taking too long and now you want me to finish my food O___o I was confused and irritated but somehow I made him mad/irritated because I was mad/irritated.