how long does it take to get a virgirl there

You & her are still good. Don't worry.
She is very overwhelmed right now. Just like your girl, when I get overwhelmed everything gets behind: my house cleaning, my gym workouts, my car gets dirty... I just can't do it all. Another thing, I must be left alone for a little while. I have to think/analyze everything! When your girl said she's not upset with you, believe her! She wouldn't lie about that.
If you don't like seeing her upset, the one thing my crab does to make me feel better is giving me a long tight hug. No words & no questions are said between us. I would just embrace him tightly for however long I want. That overwhelming feeling of fears, worries, insecurities becomes an overwhelming feeling of peace, love & closeness. If i start crying on his shoulder I will try to hide the tears because i dont want him to see it...Crying makes me feel embarrassed. So try holding her or hugging her tightly. If she cries don't make it a big scene lol. Cancer hugs are the best!
Whatever has her bothered, she's going to pull through it. We don't always like discussing our problems. Just know she's still crazy about you smile