Posted by beelibra
we feel like we found eachother and we are one another's "the one."
Posted by TAURUSbellePosted by sugaries+++1 CLASSIC Scorpio Road map.
THISSS is DEF how my Scorp ex maneuvered. However its NOT my game plan..I just let him flex & observe me while I did NONE of the above listed, but MOVE ON. When he finally came out of hiding and hit me up, After asking me how I was, he would ask me: ."How are the "OTHER GUYS" treating you??. I would just reply with a "LOL..NO Comment." cuz by that point, I didn't care anymore bcuz In my mind I was already done with him. And just by him asking me that question showed me his glaring insecurity.
...Fade away boo. Just Fade Away..
When they ignore you, DO the same.
Exactly what a guy did to me. Didn't hear from him for 2 weeks and then he sent a text saying "How are you and your boyfriend?"
HAHAHA...horrible..I tell ya.
Tell him: "The NEW boo says, Hi and Thanks, for dropping the ball. NICE fumble."
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Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
One of the biggest misunderstandings other signs seem to have with Virgos is that they don't recognize the inner critic. If you think that what a Virgo just told you was cold or harsh, you wouldn't survive what we can tell ourselves on a daily basis. If you think you're tough, we're tougher. If you think a Virgo is emotionless or not reacting appropriately on the surface, it's because we've become desensitized to anything that you can throw at us. If you think you can hit hard, it's a sure bet that we can hit harder. There is nothing horrible that someone can say about me to me that hurts anymore because I've already said it to myself a thousand times, and probably in the last half hour. Consider it nothing less than a divine mercy that you don't have to live inside a Virgo's head because that drive for perfection that we're so well known for... it's absolutely maddening. We can be some of the most emotionally masochistic people on the planet.
Cancers like to think that they have some kind of monopoly on emotions because they're so damn sensitive. The only difference between what a Cancer regurgitates as "feelings" all over the place and what happens beneath a Virgo's exterior shell is that eventually the Virgo learns and moves on instead of continuing to bleed it out until treetrunking eternity.
And yes, the Vulcan is feeling grumpy today. Butter happens.
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Posted by GreyPosted by LIBRA1234Posted by Grey
oh great now this is going to turn into a leo male bashing thread.
they are so selfish blah blah
*rolls eyes*
as long as u say u are a giver, nobody is gonna talk shit about u
j/k... so spill the beans grey
*clears his throat and pretends he is a libra*
I am into both. you see i am very into "balance" and i feel my scales would horribly annoyed by selfish lovers. I am far to mature for games like that.
*sips champagne while looking ultra polite*
are we having tea tonight?
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Posted by robyn808Posted by feby16aqua
Everyone laughs, cries and feels emotions. Whether and how they express it can be different.
Yes but these emotions are felt because of different chemicals and released in our nervous system. So we can effectively change our chemistry, to stop these emotions from being felt. If you don't feel them, then they don't exist.
We are controlling and even eliminating a persons ability to have emotions, with these drugs.
This is a fact. Is it not?click to expand