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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21024 · Posts: 11559 · Topics: 83
No I get it lol. Me and my cancer friend have always talked on and off for years now...we knew a lot about each other then. But recently (the last 3 yrs) we've been actually hanging out all the time ...talking everyday. I know alot more about him that I ever have and vice versa. Basically what I'm saying you're on a different playing will learn a lot more about each other and both of your behavior patterns. I know when I was just " phone friends" (even though we worked together and went to school together) I kept somethings at a distance . She also told you..."you may not like me when you get to know me". You are now just getting to know the real her...well maybe not for a while still ..cause everybody shows their true colors later on but still...
We disappear for other reasons too...not from just disappointment from others. Stress...we just need time to recharge...we're in analyzing mode...and other factors.
You just need to chill out...cause you are over analyzing everything more than a Virgo lol. When she becomes more comfortable around you and what I mean by that ...less scared of being hurt ...cause she's still watching your consistency and she's gonna be cautious, but when she gets past all that....she will come to you more about things that are going on and you won't have to worry about where her heads at.
I hope I made some sense...I fell like I was rambling lol