Virgo man, Virgo woman, New relationship...HELP!!!

Tiki: I just spoke with my friend who is a well-known psychic in our area. She has been working with me and on my guy for several months. She can feel something dark around him, and she knows it's his illness (bipolar). She has been 100% correct on everything she's told me so far, even predicting that I would meet him while I was at the beach!
Her words to me, repeatedly, have been "I can feel how deeply he loves you and I've told you I can see him in your far future." I'm not sure how she does it, but I know she's the reason he called and apologized to me after saying some horrible things to me a month ago. He is a very proud male Virgo and NEVER apologizes, because he's never
The bipolar makes me wary, yes. I'm just not ready to give up on him yet. I won't let him hurt me and I won't continue in this relationship with those damned rose-colored glasses. I'm aware and I'm getting educated! Found an awesome site that specifically deals with bipolar people in relationships, and it is FULL of great information.
Today, it's been two weeks since I've heard from my guy. He has told me he appreciates my patience. Maybe I'm stupid and maybe I'm a softie, but I feel that everybody deserves to be loved. My psychic friend has told me that "he has never been loved so deeply be anybody before, until you." I accept him the way he is. He has told me things that should have curled my fingernails, and I've just taken it all in stride. He has emphasized some of the worst things, and I just go along with him and say "so?" I don't think he can believe that someone could accept him so completely, even as "broken" as he feels about himself. Isn't that what love is all about?
I just wanted to post this update to let you know that I am patiently waiting for him. I'm enjoying my family and friends and want to accept him with open arms when he comes back. I'm not a quitter!!!!