For now, I can accept this. I accept her for her and I like her for her. This is just something new I have learned about her and virgos in general. From what I understand it takes a long time and a lot of patience and understanding to finally capture a virgo. I also have heard that once you do it's truly amazing. I am banking on that, trust me. I have seen this girl open up and show her emotional loving side before. I just turned away bc of the place in my life I was. It was fantastic though.
I do agree that sometimes it isn't fair. You say "who is loving me" "who is feeding my soul" I guess I really don't know what to say about that. You have to make a decision ya know. You either think it will be worth it or you don't. In my situation I know that I have been unfair to her for a lot longer than she has to me. So again, I'm sure my situation is different. I try to focus on the positive things with us. How amazing our time is together. How amazing our convos are once I get her opening up. Yes, it does seem like we are in a hiccup stage, but I'll just fight through it. There are obstacles all over the place when you are trying to get to where you wanna be. It's how you overcome them that will define you and the relationship. I don't give up easily and obviously neither does she.
You say that I will get tired of it and her at some point. I guess in theory you are right. I don't really know how long I can do all of this. Time will tell. I don't know how virgos think, but from what I read if they are saying things like "i miss you" "i can't wait to see you" then that is a very amazing sign. So, I am getting close it seems. She also said twice that things were fine between us and you guys said to believe her. So, I'm sure things will pick back up. She is leaving town again this weekend so who knows what will happen lol