help with libra male

Slow down or he will smell the desperation from you, no need to rush things they are only beginning, you have the rest of your life to live...

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It does feel great to test life's limits. Most of the times I do things or go places because it will be a new experience.
Like making friends with strangers, going to new places alone, agreeing to go to a party where I don't know anyone, turning back around to flirt with a cute sales guy and get his phone number.
There are some irresponsible things I've done when life gets mundane (... lucky to be alive!)
it is also hard to me to do 'social' things sometimes but i force myself.
i was planning on doing something this w.end although he's being really all over the place...i can't find the right moment to do it thhis what guys go thru when asking a girl out ...hmmmm
better luck next time with getting intercoUrse Tongue
Posted by Impulsv
I feel that boring is as beautiful is on the eye of the beholder. I don't believe it is any other person's responsibility to entertain me. If I think something is boring then its my issues to make it more exiting for me not the others. Then they can join me or not. Pushing beyond the boundaries is healthy but I also understand not everyone is like me. Does that mean I don't enjoy their company if I'm there I do if not I don't. Yeah I have a bucket but my transformation to push myself was after facing death. So I can't judge others path. The biggest lesson was to never put my happiness, adventure excitement on another. I find people who complain he is boring ... I say then you make it exiting who knows he may follow.

I see what you're saying, but it isn't a matter of being bored so much as it is a matter of people not knowing how to have a conversation about other things besides what's in the media or what's 'cool.' Cable television and not enough real life adventure are deteriorating the spirit in people.. kinda makes me sad.
So I'm just looking for some input, because getting a reality check wuld help at this point.
So this was a long distance thing, in the first 5 years just casually friends, even though it was clear we weren't full on "friends". After those 5 years, decided to give it a chance, the person proposed, and I gave it a yes. We had never met in person, only web cam 2times, and I know what most people are thinking, why would you have faith in a virtual relationship. But we knew common families, and the person wasn't so much a stranger, and later I found out my father knows his family/brother, went to unviersity together. As time went on, from going to phone conversation and then webcam things got better in the sense that there was no turn offs, the person was exactly as I expected and we liked each other more with time.
But as we discussed and decided to "plan" this marriage. Things got real...what he wanted was different than my desires. I wanted to continue with graduate school, med school, and he wanted me to maybe work, but mostly have a family right away. He didn't support the education aspect, and on top of that, wanted me to move to where he was (east), and I live here in the west, and also raised here. We talked about it for about a year and came to the conclusion that it wasn't working. He told me that he might not be single in few months and his family was pushing him for marriage. So I expected that in 5-6 months he would be married off and gone. But NOPE, he still stuck around for another year.
By the time it became officially 2 years that he had been waiting, I decided to pursue it and he proved to me that he wanted me. He ignored his family multiple times in the past with the hopes that I will change my mind and agree to move down there. Still, at the back of my mind, I knew that giving up so much wasn't a good idea, and neither did I picture a fairytale life if I accepted everything and moved there for him (he lives in a big family). I got attached to the situation, and him, deeply, by the end of the 2 years of waiting.
over a month ago, he told me that he will be getting engaged, he was getting sick so his family used this to get him married. We argued, and he asked what should he do, if I'm not ready to say YES (to his conditions)....I still couldn't say yes to moving there and giving up everything. Now, he is engaged. He announced it on fb and I also saw the girl's name etc. I know he moved on. Did he get turned off by me (being undec
I'm void of virgo placements, does this explain my liking for virgos and people with virgo placements because they remain a mystery to me?
Lol true true, I get riled up when someone bad mouths a pisces. I don't even understand why it's so weird.
and lmao feb! Starting to see the naughty gals here on DXP!
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by truecap
Posted by truecap

And some of these 20-somethings, I just don't understand. Is it my age, or just me? lol!

I didn't mean that as an insult to the 20-somethings, by the way!

I was not insulted ;however, I'm sure you knew that.
And actually I don't even qualify do I ^.^? Keep forgetting I'm not in my twenties anymore haha.. I suppose that's a good thing.
click to expand

Posted by dofacc
btw, I am over here in the corner. Come closer, and let me swat you with my cane!!!
NO, not that "cane!!" The cane I use to walk around with, you filthy minded whipper snappers!!!
On the other hand, if you would like me to help you work out a few of your issues with "that cane," I would be happy to oblige....

Be careful now! You know your eyes aren't so good anymore. You might put that "cane" in the wrong place! lol!
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
I'm 37. Can I just hang out and admire all you?

Sure, why not!