so what happened last night..he texted me and were communicating for like two hours through text..he seemed to be thoughtful again..i told him am already missing him...but he replied that he was going home today and well be back on it means he can/t see me on weekends...just told him that he should keep in touch with me while hes there..and just said he does it mean that he still cares?...
so what happened last night..he texted me and were communicating for like two hours through text..he seemed to be thoughtful again..i told him am already missing him...but he replied that he was going home today and well be back on it means he can/t see me on weekends...just told him that he should keep in touch with me while hes there..and just said he does it mean that he still cares?...
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
I know what you mean, I take offense to certain things too. I detest women being viewed as objects... pisses me off.
Don't know what to say about the poem, depends on how tactless it is... honestly, from the little info you've revealed I feel like him just taking the time to write it, means something. Maybe he has feelings for her?
What do you feel? Do you think he has feelings for you?
He could be confused.
How'd you get into his inbox?
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Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
"Touchy Leos - Don't know any Gemini males - What are they like?? Best mate is a gemmi but she is more like a taurus!"
most gem femmes are angels
most gem men are secretly gay
simple as that
this guy loves braggin about his penis
for example
gem:you know you wish you had a penis likes mines guy
leo: right.....get off my nuts
gem:yo my girlfriend loves my c o c k and she knows its big.....its so big that......
leo:......your cock only "big" becasue your girlfriends got tiny hands face it you wish you had a big cock otherwise you wouldnt be talking about it to reassure yourself
something like that
the gem guy has mouth too and loves to spread rumours
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Tes, that whole " I care about you" line gets you everytime bcause I think we want to be love so desparately, we refuse to look at the big picture ... you know what I mean.
Yes, I agree, leave him alone. I had to come to this conclusion about someone in my life ... the bs is wear-and-tear on you emotionally. I'm in college and I work two jobs, so I understand. If we let these guys bring us down, we are going to feel like morons later in life. Yes, let your daugther see her father, but please don't form any more emotional bonds ... they are hard to get rid of.