Have I completely lost Taurus male?

So then I don't have too much more hope... I've shown him my love and my tears and we are still in this place so it might already be over in his eyes... I'm stuck!!

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From experience, Cancers tend to go else where to see you are the right one or not.. But their departure can be long and drawn out and almost pathetic if your at the waiting end. It's best to move on until your Cancer decides to pop back in your life. By then you may of made your decision.
Posted by scorpchick76
David, just a question as I'm somewhat on the other side of this equation with a taurus make... If she did have her life together and could stand on her own feet, look right at you and tell you that she wanted you full on - after a slow steady evolution if your relationship (not this cat and mouse act that you've had) would you feel do strongly about her or do you need the 'chase' as a taurus make? I'm curious.

Yes... I've been keeping up with your thread. Winking I haven't been so involved with it because
TaurusLovesScorpio seems to be taking care of you very well.
To be honest with you... I don't really thrive on 'the chase' so much. I gave up chasing years ago... I mean, I will chase to a point to show my interest... but I can tire if the other doesn't come around... pack up my tent and go home. At this point... it becomes entirely up to her.
The two of you are living together... but this weakens your position... you are the mouse. You seem to be a real catch... but my impression is that he has forgotten this... as he was not ready for you when you came. As for him talking to other women... you probably don't have too much to worry about... as I think it is YOU that really has him. You just need to shake him up a bit now... stop being so understanding... realize what parts are not working for you.
So to answer your question... if SHE looked me in the eye and and told me that she wanted it all ? She shouldn't have to tell me... I don't think I would respond well to her telling me this... but if it were her actions that told me... then yes... she would have my all.
If it is you that is thinking of telling your Taurus this... your actions have already spoken. But... he is slowly trying to make his decision to go for whatever reason... but he has much doubt as he hasn't done it yet. Tell him how you feel... and then force him to go. Prepare yourself to let him go. Make it abrupt and sudden... because I don't think your living situation is going to bring him back to you... he has to lose you completely before he can love you as you deserve to be loved... he just needs a little joust with a cattle-prod to remember how it is he really feels. Don't be afraid.
i would like to have nonstop sex if possible.
Posted by IntriguedScorp
David, just give her time to retreat and come back refreshed. No biggie.
On the other hand, you know as a Bull there will come a time when you need a few days off and you would want the person you are with to understand. Its called TRUST.
Flow with it, my friend.

I'm flowing... but I don't know... seems she only stays 'refreshed' for a couple of days out of each month ! I am sure I will hear from her... hope I don't forget I was seeing her before then !
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^ This
There might just be times where I can't keep my hands off you. Especially if you seduce me subconsciously even in public!
Posted by Wynter
Posted by DMV
Yep, cancer rising gives you libra on the 4th house cusps right?

What degree is your Rising? Your 4th house could be in either Virgo or Libra.
click to expand

Yep very well could b either
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Posted by xdimplez
lol well you two covered up and i...well there mustve been a loose bolt there. because in my desperate attempts to look older i managed to make myself look like a night walker. har har

Oh I feel you on that one, genetics!
Add that to the list of surprising things!
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Off for the graveyard shift fun times smile With the newbies even more fun times! Definitely up for some shenanigans.