Have I completely lost Taurus male?

^^^^Okay, I'm done trying to fix my typos. Y'all know what the hell I'm sayin'.

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Posted by size zero superhero
The answer varies depending on the individual Capricorn, naturally. IMO it would be recklessly unwise to put this question to the test.
A Capricorn guy I know tried staying with his girlfriend after she cheated on him with his friend, of all people. She became his ex-girlfriend in no time. Before they ended it, he basically kept her around for sex-on-demand and in the meantime, explored other options until finding another chick to latch onto and jump ship.
Granted, the above example isn't what I'd consider the norm for Caps who've been cheated on; the dude in question also has bi-polar disorder.

Why wouldn't it be considered the norm? What does being bipolar has to do with any of this?
Also, what is so horrible about this situation? The chick cheated with his friend. In a perfect world he'd move on,, hold no grudge, and forgive but this aint a perfect world. I dont see why he's "called out" and made to look like the bad guy in this situation.
Posted by tiziani
It's a typical Aries move though. "hang on guys, is this silence about ME?"

Actually, Rocky, this time the thread died and you got it revived again. It was about a hour ago it died and you got it moving again. So kudos.

I see your attempt at placating and I choose to ignore it.
something up with skies today... i want to choke an aries bitch today.
Posted by Sugarfoot
Posted by Mr. Defense
Eh, I wonder why is it when someone has a bill to pay, or some debt to get rid of, they are always hitting me up? The Taurus girl hits me up, my Scorpio landlord hits me up, this Aqua lady hits me up, my mother hits me up. I mean people must think I'm rich or something. I have to admit, the only person who has never asked me for money once was the Cap. I can tell she has a genuine interest in trying to save me money.

That's easy, they keep asking cause you keep saying yes.
click to expand

As for that chick in particular? Her family and boyfriend aren't helping her because she does this often. It's pretty obvious. If they're coming to you and not hitting up the usual, chances are they aren't going to enable her irresponsible spending.
When it comes to money, I always say no. It just brings on problems overall.
Im on the same boat. I dont think Im fit for Fwb, short term relationships, long term relationships, long distance relationships, marriage, etc etc etc.
The Delany sisters never married and hardly dated and they both lived to be over 100yrs old.
Life>>>> Love
Pisces Moon :p My Dad and my BF are both Aries Moon, so I've been a little desensitized.
Posted by tiziani
On the mid card today we have Leo - Aquarius

and Libra - Aries
no DQ

When SweetLibra's away this Gemini Moon will play

There are times I'm convinced you're on something because you clearly aren't speaking English.
You may need to work on your technique; I'm experiencing amusement rather than jealousy and astonishment. Tongue
I like how you skip right over contentment and want to be thrilled. lol Ok, reasons to be thrilled...
10) You can wax and shave whatever you want whenever you want.
9) No need to worry about your looks or breath first thing in the morning.
8) You can spend as much time with your friends as you want.
7) No one will make fun of you for becoming emotional over a chick flick.
6) You can travel wherever you want whenever you want.
5) No need to worry about maternity leave throwing a monkey wrench in your career plans.
4) No one will nag you about what you spend your money on.
3) You'll never have to pretend to like your significant other's friends
2) You'll never have to pretend to like your significant other's family
and the numero uno reason why it's better to be single is... *drum role, please*
1) The remote will always be under your control!
I totally stole those from the interwebz, but whatever. The effort invested in originality seems foolish when compared to the luxurious sloth of plagiarism!
My sisters father is a Cancer and he was a player too. I think he has 6 or seven kids by six or seven different women lol.
I think you misunderstand. I fell for the girl, i want to start a relationship. But she is still considering her ex which cheated on her.
She even asked me "would you take me back if i cheated on you?" I said " no, and if i ever did cheat and you took me back i'd think you're stupid, and would probably cheat again"
I would never cheat tho, she ended it with a "i have to think things through..."
I am starting to have my own doubts, that maybe she isnt mature enough for a real relationship with a real man.
She also started testing me with all these personal questions and wierd scenarios, i didn't really mind. I answered truthfully, though i feel bad for her, that her ex would turn her into this. She must've been really hurt.
PS: i didn't really have anyone to tell this to, typing it out has been a great outlet! Big Grin