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Posted by Ligeia
Bang or Pass?
Posted by krebbsmann
its his ego thats coming in between.... maybe he is used to the old ways between you both when everything was fine....now you say no to him his ego has been hurt...we value our pride a lot.nothing else matters.
Posted by aquasnozPosted by CuriousLuv1
Feb, you can "let" me drive all you want, but I don't drive. Lmao!!! At least not yet! Lmao don't judge me!
This will make the trip much more interesting lol now get in the drivers seat! Having fun Aqua style !click to expand
Posted by ninjutsu
"In October 2003, Corliss was teamed to jump with his best friend, Australian BASE jumper Dwain Weston, at the inaugural Go Fast Games. Corliss was to fly under the Royal Gorge Bridge, while Weston was meant to pass over it. Instead, Weston impacted the bridge at an estimated 120 mph (190 km/h) and was killed instantly.[3][4][5] Corliss had to take evasive action to avoid colliding with Weston's body."
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