should only women feel insecure?

Posted by memyself
can/should men feel insecure too? what if woman decides to leave him because he is unable to make her happy anymore. what if she decides to leave him because SHE is bored of him? what if he is not able to make her feel the same way as before. what if he is not interesting anymore. could men have same insecurities as women?
i don't think women look to walk out of a relationship, but they can be pushed to, can they not? it takes two to keep a relationship going.

Strange you should bring up this topic, there are just as many insecure men out there as women, the difference, they rarely talk about it, adopting various 'societal' masks which are deemed proper and appropriate, when underneath it all may lie but an adult child, craving affection, craving to be nurtured, craving validation, craving for someone who thinks they are good enough as they are. Men simple suppress it, as 'society' deems it unmanly and not masculine for them to be sensitive, which I find a load of crock but there you have it, how warped could things be? Very it seems.

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