Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Wouldn't that venture into the territories of men who keep women at a distance, playing the field, the forever bachelor? that the direct you were meaning to head towards, or am I mistaken? Do indulge me
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Posted by highlighter
Hey there,
Maybe you could help me, so I am a Scorpio, rising sign Capricorn and moon in Taurus and he is a Virgo, 3rd dec.
We met 2 months ago, and everything has been going great, he asked me out I spend time at his, we cuddled(he always made the first move), he took care of me and was absolutely interested in everything I had to say and was absorbing it like a sponge. He has a great understanding for me, and noticed by himself that I have been hurt before, he did not mind to take things slow.
He is a bit insecure though like he asked me if he is handsome and some other things. He made sure a few times that I am not involved with someone else. I was never so sure about someone liking me. He did put me through a lot of tests and I did point out to him that I know he does it, and he said he is sorry about it but he had to do it. We only had a argument once, and he was so impressed with me for putting him in his place in a clam manner.
Anyways he did this one thing that did upset me, he tried to get me interested in one of his mates, as according to the Virgo he is richer and better looking than him. I said you know that's not what I'm like, and he said he knows but just wanted to make sure. I was very upset about this and ended up telling him hat I like him. He said that's a shock for him and we can only be friends, although he thought about more but that will not happen. After that he told me this LONG list of things he likes about me, I just though that is ridiculous after how he talks about me he must like me. It seemed a lot like he had to tell himself that he does not want more than friendship. He left it to me, if I do want his friendship he will be there as he does not want to lose me, but I'm not sure what to do, should I get in contact or not ? We have not been involved sexually.
Posted by pssymonstaaPosted by ScorpiorabbitPosted by pssymonstaa
There is going to be a bunny holochaust come May 31st..
Wazzat date?
The Holy Day Of My Birth!
lol @ chastity belt!click to expand
Posted by RomancingA
Also Sags can't keep secrets...or track of their lies, not that the lies are vindictive like something coming from a Pisces or a Scorpio....the lies are usually harmless from Sags.
Im pretty certain he's going to tell her. In fact he'll probably open the conversation with her using exactly what you said. Sags love this kind of drama, esp when it doesn't involve them....but it's about to involve him.
----If this is the type of guy he is then I wouldn't have any business with him. Loyalty reaps the rewards in my books. I wouldn't allow someone to stick around who wasn't loyal and kept my business to themselves.
Just depends on what you think you will allow. Sure your Taurus friend is a bitch, call her out on it....but I'd leave this new guy in the dust. Too much of a sneaky move for me to trust.
Posted by WaterCup
Just google sun/mercury in the 8th house as I'm no expert in astrology. All I know is that, the house your planets are in lends some traits of what that house represents. So 8th house sun will be similar to scorpio. Think of all scorpio traits and see if they apply to you.
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