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Posted by Grey
i would simply say that again there are two kinds of egos in this world. overt and subtle. unless you are enlightened i don't believe your claims of victim and humility.
quite unfairly the overt egos actually get a lot of hate. subtle egos are usually more insidious and cruel. both are bad ofcourse. love kills both!
Posted by s4ndPosted by Grey
i like pisces. The only problem is that i don't agree that they are humble and weak.....or other shit. Tha type of cunning shit won't fly with me.
Type Two???More Depth by Level
Healthy Levels
Level 1 (At Their Best): Become deeply unselfish, humble, and altruistic: giving unconditional love to self and others. Feel it is a privilege to be in the lives of others.
Level 2: Empathetic, compassionate, feeling for others. Caring and concerned about their needs. Thoughtful, warm-hearted, forgiving and sincere.
Level 3: Encouraging and appreciative, able to see the good in others. Service is important, but takes care of self too: they are nurturing, generous, and giving???a truly loving person.
Average Levels
Level 4: Want to be closer to others, so start "people pleasing," becoming overly friendly, emotionally demonstrative, and full of "good intentions" about everything. Give seductive attention: approval, "strokes," flattery. Love is their supreme value, and they talk about it constantly.
Level 5: Become overly intimate and intrusive: they need to be needed, so they hover, meddle, and control in the name of love. Want others to depend on them: give, but expect a return: send double messages. Enveloping and possessive: the codependent, self-sacrificial person who cannot do enough for others???wearing themselves out for everyone, creating needs for themselves to fulfill.
Level 6: Increasingly self-important and self-satisfied, feel they are indispensable, although they overrate their efforts in others' behalf. Hypochondria, becoming a "martyr" for others. Overbearing, patronizing, presumptuous.
Unhealthy Levels
Level 7: Can be manipulative and self-serving, instilling guilt by telling others how much they owe them and make them suffer. Abuse food and medication to "stuff feelings" and get sympathy. Undermine people, making belittling, disparaging remarks. Extremely self-deceptive about their motives and how aggressive and/or selfish their behavior is.
Level 8: Domineering and coercive: feel entitled to get anything they want from others: the repayment of old debts, money, sexual favors.
Level 9: Able to excuse and rationalize what they do since they feel abused and victimized by others and are bitterly resentful and angry. Somatization of their aggressclick to expand
Posted by GreyPosted by BlueSandCacoonPosted by ianthepisces
hey facts are facts..
the moon is at home in taurus..
Actually Moon is at home in Cancer.
Facts are facts.
It is diginifed in canacer but it is exalted in taurus. The moon will always prefer to reside in taurus than cancer.click to expand
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