how long does it take to get a virgirl there

Posted by cancerious20

She wants her cake and eat it too. She's afraid to lose you, but doesn't want to settle down. She wants to continue doing whatever with this other guy but still keep you on the sidelines so she knows you'll always be there to pick her up when she's down. Don't get me wrong, but it sounds like emotional manipulation. Can you really stand to share her with this other guy? I know the whole you don't know us conversation, but most things ring true no matter the situation. Other guys don't compare but this other guy is part of the problem? That sounds contradictory dude. She doesn't want to be tied down, It says it in your description. You hit the nail on the head with, "I said it seems like you are trying to tell me that you don't want a relationship with me or at least not one anytime soon and you just won't tell me that bc then I might say seeee yaaaa." What I think you should do is distance yourself from her, maybe pick up a girl or something. She'll either get jealous or stop talking to you. Then you'll know if she's for real or not. Of course, she may just further try n manipulate, n step her game up, so i'd say keep the distance going. If she really had feelings, she wouldn't be yanking your chain around.