He's seeing someone else. Cannot blame him for his actions if you are hurting yourself in the process of keeping him around. Switch up the scene, disappear with backbone (as PinkLibra mentioned), it invovles playing a game, or staying in a hearbreak. Or all together, leaving without looking back with someone else treating you as the princess & woman you should be treated in the near future. Staying involved will lead more of a heartbreak, because he's already playing the game as the coach before you got in. To him, you're another one passing by, as this girl he's speaking with is the next one in line. Both of you two girls are getting played. This is direct to make you see what you cannot see. Though, you only choose to see what you want to see when others are saying to look somewhere else. No one can change your mind. Only you decide what you want for yourself to give up to what it's worth.