Jordan Hype

Can someone explain to me why everyone is so hype over Jordan's that are basically just re-releases? I mean I have been a sneakerhead since I was in elementary so why is it that people are hype off the same Jordan's we probably wore as kids. The first launch was in 88' now it's 2013 & there just starting all over o,O what's the big deal? Lol

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Hi fellow virgos, any tips on how to move on from an unrequited love? I have been friends with a Sag guy for a couple years now. He's currently living abroad. For a period of time, we became close friends and things were somewhat flirty and I was always happy talking to him. However, being Virgo, I don't see how things can work out and never dared to pursue things with him. I've only casually told him that I had considered the possibility of being more than friends. I visited him once (where I consciously told myself not to like him and acted like I didn't like him). After I got back home, I realised I can't stop thinking about him. Thus, I went no contact. The feelings are less strong as time passes but I guess you can say I'm still hung up on him. How do I move on?? He's flirtatious and outgoing (I heard it's a Sag trait) but never outrightly told me he likes me. Can't figure out if some things he said were hints or just casual remarks. I know Sag guys are commitment-phobic so probably a long-distance relationship scares them. Being the practical Virgo, I want to move on but my heart doesn't want to. What do I do?
Posted by ellessque
I don't see the correlation between leadership and expectations. *shrugs*

There is no correlation, I think that has been identified Elle.
Keep on feeling, that is all you need to do, quit understanding!
Big Grin
Libras can be absent-minded and be in la la la land for long periods of time, but I think they do have a soul Tongue
You ladies crack me up, good ones!
Posted by leoliza
Good morning!

This is me with Grey, since he likes it spanked!

Posted by Mixtape

What the F MIX??? Are you OK?
Posted by Jynja

I wish I had a private jet that would fly me to an exotic island for the day, today.

Yes you are granted your very own private jet, and your exotic island...except today,

there was an absolutely hell of a tropical storm that leaves your jet grounded.

I wish I could have a naked, handsomely defined man in my kitchen with a well chiseled face and a head full of hair, with the scent of heavens above clinging unto him, he would be wearing nothing but an apron, who would cook for me whilst serenading ballads of love and nothing else, in French, Italian and Spanish whilst I get to do my tasting in between sips of wine.
click to expand
Posted by tiziani
That's fair play. I would ride shotgun with you on this "a good Scorp is a dead Scorp" campaign but my heart wouldn't be in it. Even if I love Pisces. I have only ever had good experiences with Scorpios so the powder in my gun is dry.

It is better that way tiz, keep it dry, keep it dry.
We are not such a bad lot, we are truly sincere, genuine and good with the exceptional few...
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by tiziani
Yeah I did like that intervention the other day from Curious "we are all family here". Brought a lot of serenity back to the place. Of course, we can all argue like family too. I thought it was fitting. That is all I will say as I cannot show sensitivity and weakness in front of my fellow men. Off to do man stuff.
Good morning Leebs and undercover Leebs.

There is much comfort in "we are all family here." Seriously, this thread is the best positive thing I have seen here since I've been here. Family fights, family argues but in the end they are together, and they are stuck together like glue. I've always cherished that feeling.

click to expand

Good Morning Leeb and Non Leeb Family!!! Beautiful day in NYC/NJ even though I am fighting stupid allergies right now. ROOOOARRRR!!