Jordan Hype

Posted by ianthepisces
Those are just posers damen... Don't fucking lie man, I know you got like 8 pairs of jordans that all look brand new..

how do you know if they're posers or not thou? they could've grew up being fans of that brand just like anybody else

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Posted by PhoenixRising

bang or pass

Too perfect. Mars in virgo and uranus in the 5th likes some oddballsness and imperfection.
Posted by Jynja
Wish I had my own personal genie.

Your genie speaks an ancient language and will only grant your wish if spoken in this language.

I wish didn't have to shave my legs ever again.
Posted by PhoenixRising

bang or pass?

Haha pass
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Posted by LibranNick1986
Don't know you, but I'm loving the dreads!

LibranNick, I would love to take credit, but I can not. That pic is not me. Although I do have dreads they aren't that long.
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Posted by AquaGemini
Awh, just been thinking about your dog, because my boyfriends cat has just had some cute lil taurus kittens!
i LOVE cats, a lot more than dogs! that's why i'm telling my parents to adopt a cat since i'm staying in our home for good!
Sure. I like the Mr.Clean or a low Ceas' look.
blockquote not working again! >_
Posted by anime
aww!! good luck smile
haha yeah, 1 of my doggies is a taurus (like me Big Grin) & she's a real cutie
what breed is Pippa?

Pippa is half maltese, half shi tzu. but she looks a lot more like a maltese, only bigger, so we're considering her a maltese! smile