Jordan Hype

we wasn't debating on whether he was a real rapper or not thou, my point was that since he was in & around the hiphop scene, he could've easily grew fond of jordans

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Did you have to adapt back in the US febby? A lot of people here don't like phrases like "my dear" or "my love" because apparently it's too personal. It's not weird to say meine leibe / mi amor at all I don't think... but I've changed that to 'mate' over here nowadays Tongue
< width="560" height="315" ="http:

Posted by Mixtape
Dragonball series = crack.

i also loved slamdunk and ghostfighter...
wtf happened to good anime and cartoons. the worlf has gone cheap no more quality.
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by libra08
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by feby16aqua
I don't like those kinds of things because someone always gets forgotten and feels bad Sad


< width="420" height="315" ="http:


feby is definitely covergirl from g.i joe .

Thank you lovely smile I was a little hurt before that I got left out but I thought it through and it's all good smile
Who knew an aqua could have feelings? Lol!! Tongue
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sorry loves i had to logout ofcwork and im still scanning the old thread with some posters i havent mentioned for im running out of great toon charcters smile
Posted by Insilver
Posted by JessiedLeo
I guess I need to get used to it... ironically, he tells me "EVERYTHING" he's about to do, where he'll be, when, how, why, etc. etc. He gives me play by play "before" it happens. It's all new to me.

Yeah mine too lol... tells me what where and who with. Has asked me daily from day one `what are you doing?` and if I didn`t answer right away he`d text `looking forward to hearing from you sweetie` lol I find it endearing.
Posted by JessiedLeo

You see, I've dated a lot of jerks in the past. Kissed lots of toads. Even married a donkey. I've shut myself to the world and wouldn't allow anybody to get near me. But this man, he was able to penetrate (no pun) my wall whereas nobody else would even dare. It was too tough for the others to even try, but not this Taurus man. He's not perfect, but he's the only one who is persistent enough to try.
Sorry for getting sappy. He is just breaking down my wall piece by piece and it's scaring the s h i t out of me.

This I can totally relate to, I could have written it. I really love mine`s persistence, it shows me he cares enough to even try to get in where others half-assed it. Quite magical this Taurus/Virgo thing... but thank god he moves slowly (yet deliberately) so as not to send me running or even worse, to sabotage it which I was capable of certainly in my younger days. I don`t know how he did it... we still after 2 years haven`t said I L Y but it`s in our every exchange, look, and most importantly touch. Unconventional, passionate, sweet and giving we are. Depends how you want to love and be loved I guess. My whole notion of what I wanted and needed withered away and was reborn when I met him.
I have been reading your threads and I wish you and your bull much happiness. smile
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Thank you... he calls me sweetie too. that's scary.
Aww feb that's awesome! I just think personally as a guy it's best not to use terms of endearment. When I did it has always given off the wrong impressions here Sad
08! You mad chicka
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Never Really Looked At Decans
Thanks For The Tip
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by libra08
Posted by Mixtape
Dragonball series = crack.

i also loved slamdunk and ghostfighter...
wtf happened to good anime and cartoons. the worlf has gone cheap no more quality.

You seem to really be into cartoons for a chick. I'm guessing you may be a bit on the younger side
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i have 3 stupid loving little brothers and watching anime was our bonding time aside from trying to kill each other
Posted by saweetz1988
I myself ask my previous bfs where they were and what they were doing. . So far virgos dealt with my possessiveness very well. He would pick up his phone Almost 90 percent of the time and text back instantly !! I loved that about him . Never made me worry !! We are very loyal and honest individuals .. And we are not cheaters ! So prepared.. We can ask you ten million questions but we will stand by you through thick and thin as long as you show us your sinsecrity / patient /consistency /loyalty and .. Love smile we will never leave you !! I'm just speaking from my personality Winking I'm a Taurus lady !!!

Thank you. I understand Taurus people more since coming in here... they "need" the consistency, the monotony however, the mixture of Leos throws a curve ball and make Taurus lives a little bit more exciting. smile
Random Trivia fact: Slam Dunk was the anime that started the bball craze in Taiwan. And god graced us with LINSANITY! aww yeah. My asian bro... even though we have the surname we're not related but I like to say I am *whistles*